Sunday, December 31, 2017

Love Live! Sunshine!! Season 2 Episode 13: Our Own Radiance (Final Impression)

It’s not over! Not just yet!

Aqours’ story comes to a close, but only temporarily as a movie was announced right after the finale aired. Which probably surprised absolutely no one. But I’m sure fans are scratching their heads wondering what could possibly happen next. Sunshine received a much more final and finished ending compared to LLSIP’s ending which was a hook to the movie. There’s no “IT’S BIG NEWS!” at the end, just smiles and rainbows. I just hope for the movie they don’t go to New York. I’m still holding out on Italy. International school idols, anyone?

Really long review, coming up!

This episode was definitely a finale. It’s the last day of school at Uranohoshi and we see Aqours saying their goodbyes to the school. The graduation ceremony is held, the students grab paint brushes and write out happy messages on the school walls, and of course we learn that Aqours had won Love Live. We saw the girls in rooms significant to them, the first years it was the library, Riko and You in the music room, the third years in Mari’s office, and of course the club room. The girls closing the doors together was a nice touch, especially when they closed the gates of the school together. It was pretty bittersweet, where at first everyone was pretty happy but memories of their time in the school came back. Another very touching scene was when Dia and Kanan gave Mari her diploma in her office. Handing her a special diploma like that was basically their way of saying “Thank you so much for all that you’ve done. You shouldered so much for us and fought until the end, and we appreciate it”. More on that later.

The episode itself is pretty straightforward. Chika still struggles with not knowing Aqours’ radiance and her mother gives her a little push to not give up and figure it out. Chika throws the paper airplane, which was there as a symbol in the show that many fans couldn’t figure out (the path to their “radiance”), and it flies so far it lands on top of the school’s roof. As Chika walks the halls she hears her friend’s voices from memories in certain areas and when reaching the roof, finally starts to cry. After hearing a noise, she heads to the gym and finds all the students there, even the third years even though they were supposed to be gone? Wanting to sing together one last time, that’s exactly what they do, and Chika realizes that the radiance she was looking for was always there with her, in their struggles and singing and dancing. It was literally “Maybe the radiance was the friends we made along the way”.

I hadn’t felt emotional until that point. The way the final song was constructed, with going back to Aqours’ beginnings and showing them in every single outfit and performance they ever did, it definitely made me emotional. Seeing how far they’ve come made me smile. Plus, the song’s lyrics were really sweet.

Aqours isn’t completely done as of yet, but we won’t be seeing them for awhile until the movie releases which I’m guessing probably won’t be until the end of 2018. So now, we need to look back on this season and Love Live Sunshine in general.

This season was easily much better than the first season. It goes to show how much more enjoyable the show can be when they completely drop the Muse references. In the first season, and I know this was the whole point, Aqours was too dependent on Muse and trying to emulate them, that Aqours didn’t even feel like an actual group. They didn’t have their own identity so in some ways it was hard to really care for them. However in season two that’s been rectified and you can see how Aqours is their own group now. We’ve seen their struggles and how they still continued to have struggles when it came to interpersonal relationships, money issues, winning Love Live, and their school. Some characters got to shine and show different sides to themselves with some much needed growth, and we also had the treat of getting to have a connection with the rival group! There were things that this season did right, but not without its shortcomings.

One glaring issue I had with Sunshine was the plot: the closing of the school. For LLSIP I understood the significance Otonokizaka had, such as the school being a tradition for the females in Honoka’s family, it would mean Kotori’s mother would lose her job, and so on. When it comes to Uranohoshi…why? Why do they care so much about the school? What is so significant about it that they want to save it so badly? Their school is being combined, it’s not like they’re going to be separated. There was never this huge reason why us as viewers can understand why they wanted to save the school. While of course the third years would leave, the second years and first years would still go to the same school and still be friends, so why was this so hard for them? I guess the only reason would be a sense of community. They live in a tiny rural town where all the kids that live there go to the school. Uranohoshi was one of the few things they felt that really belonged to them and made them special, but this was never outright said making the message unclear or just not powerful enough. And speaking of the school, it felt like that was more of the plot than Love Live was. So much more attention was placed on saving the school than on the actual Love Live, showing significantly less idol activities. Which is pretty funny to say considering that we had a huge number of insert songs, but not all having to do with the actual Love Live competition. I really felt this way in last week’s episode with their finals performance not having enough emotional backup because so little time was spent on building up to their song. In a show called Love Live, there was…so little Love Live. Drama could also be a little cheesy, and there were moments that I didn’t like (look at my review for episode 7).

One of the main things that I had wanted when coming into this season was more development and intermingling among the girls, and to an extent, that’s what I got. Many characters had gotten their time to shine, with much needed episodes for Dia and Ruby and a bonding episode. But I felt like the series didn’t push enough.

Everyone knows that Hanamaru’s character was completely twisted to something else, and that You was basically insignificant but I’ll touch more on that later. While there was development for some of the girls, there was still a lack of unity. And by that, I mean that the girls still stuck to their year groups and didn’t branch out. While we did have the first and third years bonding in episode two, it still stuck with the usual pairs of Kanan/Mari and Yoshiko/Hanamaru with the Kurosawa sisters in the background. We did have that wonderful Riko/Yoshiko episode that was a step in the right direction, but that was the most we got. The first years stuck with each other, the second years stuck with each other, and the third years did the same. This is something the original did much better, where I thought of Muse as a little family. We had Nico and Hanayo as the ultimate idol experts, Nico, Honoka, and Rin as the baka trio, Eli and Umi watching over the group in practices, Nozomi and Maki having their moments when Nozomi helped her fit in with the group, Honoka and Hanayo’s solidarity of loving food and having to diet, Nico and Kotori working on costumes together, we had the subunit episode, and we also had that episode where they acted like each other. They didn’t just stay in their groups, they actually spoke and interacted with one another. Aqours was not like that. We could have had You and Ruby work on outfits together, Riko and Dia being the responsible ones of the group, Chika and Yoshiko being the baka duo, or something! But they were just so separate and clung to themselves that there was this sense of family that I didn’t feel from them that I felt from Muse. This could also be seen in their songs where the second years would sing together, the first years would sing together in another part, and so on. It’s too late to fix this problem, and it’s pretty disappointing.

Now, when it comes to individual characters I’ll leave that to my rankings.

Enough with the bad, there was still a lot of good in this season. Visually, it was stunning. The animation was starting to dip in the last few episodes and I don’t blame them considering how much work they put into this series. It’s amazing how much the CG has improved from the original series. I felt like each performance was more beautiful than the last, with sparkles and shiny and colors. The CG models look fantastic, not having the problem of porcelain doll face the original had and instead having natural expressions. It looks almost seamless with the 2D animation so that’s a major win, especially with more and more CG shows popping up trying to achieve quality like this. And when it comes to music, Love Live always nails it. This had to be the best set of songs we’ve ever gotten. I know I said at first that I wasn’t a fan of MIRACLE WAVE, but the song has grown on me a lot. However, my favorite song is still MY Mai TONIGHT and the full version is great. We also got the full versions of Saint Snow’s songs and…they left me speechless. The girls are cute and shiny, their outfits are cute and shiny, it’s all just cute, colorful, and fun. It was always a treat to watch their performances because of all the work that was put into it. So, shoutout to the animators.

And just like with my final review of the first season, I have to give my rankings on the girls. I’ll try not to make it too long as I talk about them individually, but man my ranking sure has changed.

Riko continues to be best girl. Previously Mari was my number one but after the anime I had this sudden realization of my love for Riko. I’ve always identified with her and see a lot of myself in her. I love that she she’s polite and sweet but also isn’t afraid to show a more assertive side, and in this season we also see a more silly side to herself. We knew she had her little guilty pleasures, but seeing Yoshiko kind of rub off on her was entertaining. She finally was able to get rid of her fear of dogs, and knowing people in real life that do fear dogs, I’m so proud of her! She was able to conquer her fear and move on, so much that she actually has her own little dog now! Riko had nice moments, her little discussion with Yoshiko being my favorite. She had most of her development in the previous season, but Riko was still there to put a smile on my face and make me happy. She’s cute, silly, responsible, and just so sweet. I just love Riko to death.

Dia shoots up from her previous seventh spot to second, surprising me still. I hadn’t liked Dia last time because I thought she was too rude and harsh to the girls, even though I knew how she was watching out for them. I didn’t find her likeable and I thought her sudden change to the silly character was off putting. However, that changed completely in this season. It turns out that Dia is awkward as hell and can’t really make friends easily. She’s strict, sure, but she puts up this responsible leader type because she felt like she needed to act that way. Because of that, it shaped her to be distant among her peers. Dia is socially awkward, something to which I relate to, and I found it endearing when she tried so hard to get the others to call her Dia-chan. Under that harsh exterior, she’s an incredibly sweet person. She’s also a great older sister to Ruby. Just like Riko, she’s responsible, sweet, and a little silly and her episode made her one of the most relateable characters in the show.

Ruby was in dire need of another episode, because while I always loved Ruby and had her in fourth place last time, she still had this baby side of her personality the anime kept shoving in our face that made many people just dislike her. Again, I always loved Ruby but her two episodes with Saint Snow had to be the best episodes this season and made her even better than before. Ruby was given this opportunity to really shine and step forward by herself. She was always dependent on her older sister and she knew this herself, and she also knew that her sister would leave. Ruby took the initiative to console Leah, a person Ruby normally wouldn’t associate with (at least alone) and decided to make a song with her. Ruby stood on her own two feet, learned to be more self-reliant and independent, and even more confident. She’s grown from little shy Roobs to the more grown Ruby we know now. I’ve seen more people love Ruby more and it makes me real happy. She’s a great character that deserves a lot more love.

It hurts to move Mari down two places from second to fourth, but it’s just that Dia and Ruby shone brighter than her. Yes, other people shone more than Ms. Shiny. Well, only slightly. Honestly, I love Riko, Dia, Ruby, and Mari pretty much equally. They all make me feel so happy the same way, which is how I feel with the Muse third years. Now, Mari didn’t really get her own episode but she got lots of great moments. Sure we had the fun meme-y Mari we all know and love, but we also got lots of serious moments. Serious moments where she showed her vulnerable side. Mari was one hell of a trooper this season as she carried ALL of the stress and weight of the school’s closing. She tried her hardest to convince her father to give them more time, to not close the school, etc. What Mari didn’t want to do was disappoint everyone in the school, so the school’s closing probably hit her the most out of everyone as we saw her shed tears many times. Seeing this caring side of Mari was great because my one fear for Mari coming into this season was that they were going to make her into the meme character and nothing else, and thankfully they did the exact opposite. She’s a strong girl that dealt with so much stress that I wish the anime had mentioned maybe a little bit more, but either way I’m happy with how they treated her. Also, no washi washi! Thank god!

Kanan went from third to fifth. I’m disappointed that she didn’t get her own episode, I still think MIRACLE WAVE should have been about her but whatever. I wanted Kanan to get an episode because she had the least amount of time in the first season. I liked Kanan a lot though because I thought she was really cool, I liked her simple design, and her friendship with Mari and Dia was nice. This season Kanan had good moments but it wasn’t enough. We did see some surprising funny moments with her, such as her being afraid of heights and the dark, giving her a suddenly cute side. I still think she’s cool and her friendship with Mari and Dia is still great, but I just wish there was more to her.

Yoshiko actually stayed in the same spot in my list at sixth, which is kind of hilarious. Yoshiko is a disappointing case. I had wanted her to get more development, which I thought we had gotten in the dog episode. In that episode she explained why she stuck to her fallen angel persona, believing in invisible forces, and destiny and all that. And it was all to cover up, or explain her bad luck. It showed this sad and vulnerable side to Yoshiko we had never seen, and I thought that would have been the start to her gradually letting go of her chuuni side and working her way to accept herself. Because using her fallen angel shtick to cover for her bad luck isn’t exactly accepting or loving herself, it’s more of an escape. Yoshiko putting her chuuni side away would have done wonders for her character, but instead she stayed completely the same and stayed in the background as the comic relief character with dumb one liners who never really contributed to anything. It’s sad because I was starting to like her a little more but seeing as how she’s stayed completely the same, she’s staying the same in my list too.

This is a surprise as You was previously “worst girl” but now she’s bumped herself up a couple places to seventh. Last season You was at the bottom of my list because I thought she was boring and bland. Her episode was terrible and there wasn’t much You content other than her being a good friend and being good at pretty much everything. Unfortunately this season did her wrong. Let’s be honest here, if You was taken out of this season it wouldn’t change the show in any way. That’s how insignificant she is. It says a lot when the rival characters get more development and spotlight than You. It’s just…really sad. I feel bad for the fans though I never understood the popularity in the first place. But, believe it or not, the very few You moments we got in the last few episodes bumped up her ranking for me. The way she stood on the box when they were preparing for the closing festival and acting like Chika did on the very first episode, and her response to Chika’s question in episode 12 were good additions. She has a strong bond with Chika as they’ve been friends since childhood and she always wanted to do something with her together but Chika was never good at sports. So to finally do something with her best friend made her really happy. She loves Chika a lot and always watches over her, so yes, she’s a good friend. But I like that we got to see how strongly she felt about being in Aqours. It’s small, but it’s something at least. It’s just sad that You was pretty much ignored this time. It’s so telling how ignored she was because it took me awhile to find a You screenshot to use here. I only found this one. Yikes.

Hanamaru took the biggest dip from being fourth/fifth to eighth and this is another sad case. She suffers pretty much the same problem as Yoshiko as being the comic relief character in the background, but much worse. I liked Hanamaru in the first season because I could relate also to her social awkwardness and her love of books. She was a little snarky but she showed a strong side to her when she confronted Dia when it came to Ruby wanting to be a school idol. She was sweet and a little naive, but at the same time very mature with her love of difficult literature. But for some strange reason, the anime decided to change her character completely to be nothing but the girl that says zura and eats. all. the. damn. time. There’s nothing wrong with eating, we had Honoka and Hanayo who loved to eat but that trait wasn’t their entire character. Hanamaru was literally only there to eat and talk with her mouth full, and also there to play off of Yoshiko. Speaking of which, I thought she was really mean to Yoshiko. There’s nothing wrong with playful teasing among friends but sometimes her teasing was just really mean, like talking shit about Yoshiko being fat, how she’s bad at talking to people, that she’s weird, etc. Sometimes she would really just cross the line and I found myself getting really annoyed with Hanamaru. And again, that makes me sad because I had liked her before but now sometimes I don’t want to even look at her. Why? Why did they have to do Hanamaru so wrong?

And, it comes to no surprise that Chika is dead last. I never was a fan of Chika honestly, as she was eighth last time. I never like characters like Chika who are too loud, brash, a little dumb, and impulsive who don’t think before acting. Now don’t get me wrong, I know Chika has a good heart. She cares about others. One thing I always liked about Chika was that she thought herself as a normal girl, to which I can relate. She found something where a normal girl like her can shine in, but the thing with Chika is that there was an oversaturation of her and not much development. I know Chika thinks she’s normal, I know that she wants to save the school and make others happy, but what else is there to her? The anime would constantly tell us this about her but it just because repetitive and boring, and instead of seeing more interesting sides to her, I just kept finding how annoying and selfish she can be. The episode where the school didn’t get enough applicants still bothers me because of how easily Chika was ready to give up the Love Live because they didn’t save their school. Again, read that review to understand. And just because Chika is the main character, she gets the most screentime, she gets the most centers, the most solos, so much that she sometimes takes up too much screen time. Like, get out of the way! There are eight other girls there, give them a chance! This is more of the anime’s problem and not exactly Chika, but I’ve already made it clear why I can’t just stand her.

It bugs me to hear people say that it’s hard to give equal development to nine characters, when the original, while not perfectly, did a much better job at it. There’s some decisions in this season that were very questionable and aggravating, but I still had fun watching this season. I’m looking forward to the movie because we still don’t know what’ll be of Aqours. Will they continue, or disband to give us a chance at the Perfect Dream Project girls? That…seems like the best bet. All in all, this season was better but I’m still unsure of the rating I’d give this. For now, I’ll stick with a 7/10 and give myself more time to think. Hopefully the movie will come soon, but until then this’ll be the last one. Thanks for reading this far!

Aqours! Sunshine!

The iDOLM@STER SideM Episode 13 [FINAL]

I hate to say this, but I am really disappointed with the finale. About eight minutes into the episode, I realized I was bored. I was not engaged with the performances whatsoever but I couldn’t understand why, but by the end I knew what it was. This joint-concert was hyped up to be a major accomplishment for the group, but the biggest qualm I had was the fact we didn’t get to experience their journey to that point whatsoever. There were no serious trials they had to overcome, not like the challenges we have seen in The iDOLM@STER or even The iDOLM@STER Cinderella series. Instead this finale left me with a sense of a wasted potential. We had a group of amazing and charming characters here, but we were never given the opportunity to watch them grow. I also have a big problem with the fact they even bothered to add the twins to the cast, especially in the middle of the series. At that point, both Beit and S.E.M were already restricted to having one episode, so just adding yet another group we’ll never learn about (unless we play the game) doesn’t help whatsoever, and only makes the situation worse. In fact when you look back, the only group that were given more screen-time than Dramatic Stars (privileged as the main characters) were HighxJoker and Jupiter (if you include their special) who got two episodes. And what sucks even more, is when Kaoru’s conflict takes so long to get around to, and when they finally do, it felt rushed and anticlimactic. This series certainly would have benefited having more episodes to work with, just so the character would have room to grow and have the time to tell their own stories.

Another problem I had with the finale was how a large portion of the episode contained recycled footage, and as result lacked impact. I was especially disappointed we did not get to watch them perform Glorious Road, but instead the track rolled in the background as they reviewed everyone’s journey up until now via flashbacks. Though to be fair, it was well put together. Gave me a bit of the feels, despite the underwhelming journey.

Also, this has been bugging me since the beginning of the series, but… Is Kyouji’s hair supposed to be dyed back and forth or something? This isn’t the first time we have seen his brown hair go black. I can’t tell if this is a colouring flaw that will be resolved in the BD/DVD release or this is intentional to reflect the lighting. Either way it’s something that drives me bonkers when I see it because it makes me confused!

On the more positive note, god the songs were so good, and it’s what I love about SideM the most. Each unit has their own distinct sound, and I don’t know about you, stands out- in a good way. I find when someone has a unique voice, it makes it easier to recognize them amongst the blurs of the sounds. Among my favourites besides Jupiter (oh my god, I LOVE  ‘Planet scape’ I’ll be listening to that over and over again!) were Dramatic Stars and HighxJoker. Truth be told, I like them all (except for W, not feeling that one) but I wished we had more air time for BEIT and S.E.M. to showcase their vocals.

Final Verdict:

The iDOLM@STER SideM was something I have been waiting for since I watched The iDOLM@STER back in 2011. I fell in love with Jupiter and itched to learn more about them, and truth to be told I was sad when I realized Jupiter would not be the main characters of this show. However instead much to my pleasant surprise, we were introduced a bunch of endearing new characters, and all I could wish for is that we had more time to learn more about them. I don’t know if SideM will have a second season, but I fear if they do they will be introducing even more characters (as implied of Producer scouting someone with a radiant aura), leaving the cast we had fallen in love with in the dust. SideM is a show who definitely would reap the benefit having more episodes to work with. Without a doubt, SideM biggest flaws were the lack of depth in its story and the character development among the cast is virtually nonexistent, with the exception of perhaps Kaoru. It is a shame it had to end this way, and how we weren’t able to learn more about the others, but it doesn’t mean it was horrible. SideM is not great but it’s not bad either, it’s more in the middle where I would describe it as “It’s okay…” It certainly not a must watch show, but it’s also not something you’re going to miss if you choose to skip out on it.

Overall Score: 6/10

  • Story/Plot: 4/10 

  • Characters & Development: 6/10

  • Animation Quality: 6/10 

  • Original Soundtrack: 9/10

15 Pikachu Facts That Are Absolutely Worth Knowing – OtakuKart

Arguably the most well-known Pokémon in the universe, Pikachu is the iconic mascot that made the Japanese pocket monster franchise world famous. Ever since its introduction in 1996, the 25thPokémon on the Pokédex has gained fans worldwide and has become a part of pop culture in a major way, not to mention how it helped launched video games, trading cards, anime series, movies, and put Nintendo back on the map after a shaky few years.

Now, two decades later, Pikachu is more popular than ever before with the debut of Pokemon Go. As fans old and new race around the world trying to catch their favorite Pokémon, all of the Pokémon featured in the game will no doubt be competing with Pikachu for control of Pokémon trainers’ hearts.

But whether you think you know Pikachu or you’re just getting started with the little yellow electricity rat, we’ve compiled a list so you can become the foremost Pikachu expert in the world. So put down Pokémon Go for a minute and find out 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Pikachu.


Ask anyone to tell you the first thing that comes to their mind when they think about Pokémon and they will undoubtedly say “Pikachu.” There’s no single Pokémon more internationally famous than Pikachu, and even those who have never held a Pokémon card played a Pokémon game or seen an episode of Pokémon in their life will have some familiarity with Pikachu. It’s undeniable that Pikachu is an undeniable success story of the Pokémon franchise, but it wasn’t always going to be that way.

Originally – when the Pokémon franchise was still in the planning stages – Clefairy was chosen by executives to be the lead character for the marketing of the franchise. It was thought that Clefairy would be engaging and would draw people in, but once the animated series began production it was quickly understood that a yellow central character would be the best for the brand. The thinking went that yellow was easy for children to see from a distance, and there would be little competition as Winnie the Pooh was the only yellow mascot at the time.


Although in the original Pokémon games only Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle could be used as starters, in the new smash hit Pokémon Go there is a way to beat the system and get Pikachu from the get go. It speaks volumes for Pikachu’s legacy and popularity that so many people were unaccepting of their original starter options that they discovered this cheat, and from there it spread online like wildfire and became of the most exciting discoveries of the game.

To get Pikachu as your starter in Pokémon Go all that is required of you is repeatedly running away from the options presented to you at the beginning of the game. Once you have neglected your three starting options long enough – a total of four times to be precise – Pikachu will spawn in front of you and from there he’s yours for the taking, and you’re ready to go off on your Pokémon adventure as the envy of the entire Pokémon training world.


Ash and Pikachu pokemon

Pokemon is a worldwide phenomenon that originated in Japan, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its Western influences. Just the idea of a small yellow rat that can store and dispense lightning is a crazy one, and it’s something that somehow caught on and made us all feel more cultured for understanding. When making the jump from Japan to everywhere else, Pikachu’s name wasn’t changed to Greg the Rat or anything ridiculous like that, it was just left the way it was and we all understood it; Pikachu was Pikachu. But was he really?
As it turns out, when Pikachu was first introduced his name was actually Jean Luc Pikachu. First mentioned by Ash but then quickly abandoned in any other iteration of the Pokémon franchise, Jean Luc Pikachu appeases fans that thought the ultra-Japanese Pokémon needed to be more French, or perhaps they’re setting up a STAR TREK, but it really appeases no one else. It’s a confusing bit of Pokémon trivia that is never given much thought, but it’s one that we should all bring up on occasion just to keep things interesting.


The one thing that many beginner Pokémon fans don’t understand right away is that Pikachu isn’t just the name of one singular Pikachu, it’s also the plural for an entire Pokémon species. And within that species are – of course – female and male Pikachu, each roaming around with their own distinctive personality. So how do we differentiate the two genders? Well, it’s relatively simple; at least in some cases.
Although Pikachu never had an established gender difference at the onset of the franchise, in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl gender differences were introduced to the Pokémon universe, thus making identification easier; should that be of concern to anyone for whatever reason. Since then, female Pikachu was seen with notches or indents at the end of their tails, and males weren’t. But don’t worry, this isn’t some type of Avatar-esque sex adventure whereby Pikachus everywhere is fitting their tails together. At least, we don’t think it is.


Shiny Pikachu event pokemon go

Despite the previously mentioned gender differences between Pikachu, the one thing that not even the biggest Pikachu expert knows is whether or not the world’s most famous Pikachu – Ash’s Pikachu – is actually a boy or a girl. Speculation on this front has run wild since the character’s introduction, but the fact remains that Pikachu’s creators have intentionally kept the answer vague so that Pikachu could appeal to people of both genders.
While you may assume that you could just look at Pikachu’s tail for its gender reveal, Ash’s Pikachu was introduced in the anime before gender differences were established throughout the franchise. One argument for Pikachu being a female is that in an episode of Pokemon Black and White a female Pokémon used attract on Pikachu, but nothing happened. However, another argument is made for Pikachu being a male in that characters often refer to it as a “he.” All we know for sure is that everyone has an opinion on Pikachu’s gender, and no one has been proven 100% correct.


POKE Pikachu

For those of you that think Pikachu is just a cool name for a brightly colored electricity rodent, think again. “Pika” is a Japanese word for electricity crackling, and “chu” is how the Japanese describe the sound of mice. Put the two together and you have a name that spread across a generation and actually ended up inspiring some parents to name their children Pikachu; or more accurately, Electricity-Crackling-Mice.

According to Pokémon developer Junichi Masuda, Pikachu wasn’t an easy name to come up with, and creators wanted to develop something that would be a hit with both Japanese and American audiences. Eventually, after much back and forth, Pikachu was chosen, and it eventually led into the sounds that the Pokémon is famous for making. “Pika, pika chu” became a catchphrase for Pikachu and the character’s name quickly spread around the world as something that fit perfectly; despite many not knowing that it actually had a meaning behind it aside from simply sounding cool.


One of the more interesting facts in Pokémon canon is that, yes, it’s apparently possible for humans to turn into Pokémon. Although it’s not something you’ll see every day, it’s the type of Pokémon fact that makes longtime fans scratch their heads and say “huh.” A shining example of this is when in the episode Hocus Pokémon Ash found himself on the receiving end of a spell that would enable him to think like a Pokémon. Of course, the spell backfires and ends up turning Ash into a Pikachu complete with his own eyes, voice, hair, and infamous hat.
This Ash-Pikachu hybrid ended up being called Ashachu – because why not – and is still remembered fondly by fans. And while the transformation was temporary and ended up getting reversed by the next episode, it opens up a lot of possibilities for future transformations of humans into Pokémon. In the meantime, all we can do is set our desktop wallpapers to a photo of Ashachu and remember the good old days.


While Nintendo gets nearly all of the credit for Pokémon, the franchise was actually developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo in 1996. And although the whole Game Freak team is credited with the ideas and concepts that make Pokémon a runaway hit, one artist in particular – Atsuko Nishida – is credited with the design for Pikachu; something that she worked on along with other species of Pokémon throughout the Pokémon films and trading card series.
Finalized by Ken Sugimori – a man who is often looked at as the creator of all Pokémon designs – and conceived of by the Game Freak’s character development team, Pikachu is 1 foot 4 inches tall and is modeled after a mouse. Being the first ever Electric Pokémon, Pikachu is a pioneer in the world of Pokémon; something that he often doesn’t get credit for as everyone is distracted by his cute exterior and unassuming personality.


Pikachu Facts

While Nintendo gets nearly all of the credit for Pokémon, the franchise was actually developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo in 1996. And although the whole Game Freak team is credited with the ideas and concepts that make Pokémon a runaway hit, one artist in particular – Atsuko Nishida – is credited with the design for Pikachu; something that she worked on along with other species of Pokémon throughout the Pokémon films and trading card series.
Finalized by Ken Sugimori – a man who is often looked at as the creator of all Pokémon designs – and conceived of by the Game Freak character development team, Pikachu is 1 foot 4 inches tall and is modeled after a mouse. Being the first ever Electric Pokémon, Pikachu is a pioneer in the world of Pokémon; something that he often doesn’t get credit for as everyone is distracted by his cute exterior and unassuming personality.



You can tell just how important Pokémon is to the world by the level of nonsense trivia that accompanies it. For example, why would a game that requires you to catch, train, and battle with various pocket monsters require a working knowledge of what condiment is their favorite? Well, you wouldn’t, but nonetheless, it’s a known fact that Pikachu is obsessed with ketchup. Not only has it been shown in the animated series at various times, but there are entire threads in online message boards and whole memes dedicated to Pikachu and his love for ketchup.
Perhaps his ketchup love comes from his love of all red foods – as the only foods that he’s ever shown eating aside from ketchup are apples and red berries. Or perhaps ketchup reminds him of Ash’s last name, which is Ketchum. Or maybe Pikachu’s creators just thought that it would be funny to see a little yellow lightning rat get overly excited by every five years old’s favorite hot dog topping. Whichever way you look at it, it’s just nice that we get to know something about Pikachu’s private life off the battlefield.


You can tell just how important Pokémon is to the world of the level of nonsense trivia that accompanies it. For example, why would a game that requires you to catch, train, and battle with various pocket monsters require a working knowledge of what condiment is their favorite? Well, you wouldn’t, but nonetheless, it’s a known fact that Pikachu is obsessed with ketchup. Not only has it been shown in the animated series at various times, but there are entire threads in online message boards and whole memes dedicated to Pikachu and his love for ketchup.
Perhaps his ketchup love comes from his love of all red foods – as the only foods that he’s ever shown eating aside from ketchup are apples and red berries. Or perhaps ketchup reminds him of Ash’s last name, which is Ketchum. Or maybe Pikachu’s creators just thought that it would be funny to see a little yellow lightning rat get overly excited by every five years old’s favorite hot dog topping. Whichever way you look at it, it’s just nice that we get to know something about Pikachu’s private life off the battlefield.


Pikachu – not content with a protein named after him – kept on making waves in the world until eventually the tiny Pacific island nation of Niue took notice. Despite only having a total land area of 100 square miles and a population of 1190, the nation of Niue were such big fans of Pikachu that they decided to put him on a one dollar coin.

Released as a commemorative coin in 2001 along with Meowth, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander, the Pikachu coin featured a picture of Pikachu on one side and the country’s coat of arms on the other. Also available in $10 silver coins, the entire set of Pokémon coins can currently be found on eBay for over $1300. While the Pikachu coin may not store up energy or be used in a Pokémon battle, there’s something cool about owning a Pokémon collectible that isn’t just a trading card.


Ikue Otani is known in the anime world as a famous voice actress, having voiced Chopper in One Piece and Konohamaru Sarutobi in Naruto. But perhaps her most widely heard role is that of Ash’s Pikachu in the Pokémon series; a role that she’s been working hard at since 1997. And if you’re wondering what exactly Otani does voicing a character that doesn’t speak, just ask Otani herself, who claims that she is often teased for having such an easy job.

Otani has said in the past that although many think she only has to say “pika pika,” she actually gets scripts every episode that is vague and mostly says “Pikachu.” Because of this, Otani says that she needs to come up with a plan for her performance; otherwise, nothing will be conveyed to the audience. Otani goes on to say that she insists on recording new material for every bit of Pikachu dialogue across all of Pikachu’s appearances. This way, she says that no matter what she’s instructed to say, she gives every single word her all.

Topeka, Kansas either really love Pokémon, or it just wanted to take advantage of its unique name and capitalize on the Pokémon craze back in 1998. That’s why Mayor Joan Wagnon decided to rename the city ToPikachu for a day, most likely confusing all of its residents except the few that were excited for Pokémon’s brand new debut in the United States.

And while we’re unsure what this actually accomplished in terms of Topeka tourism or worldwide recognition, many fans of Pokémon still think of ToPikachu when they hear Topeka. And although the capital of Kansas never ended up being a haven for Pokémon fans more than any other city in the world, apparently Topeka got a kick out of changing their name and decided to do it again in 2010. This time, they changed their name to Google, Kansas for a whole month in a bid to get Google to install their fiber-optic internet in the town.

Most people – even the most casual of Pokémon fans – know that Pikachu’s primary power is electricity. The red circles on Pikachu cheeks – while being incredibly cute – are primarily used as pouches for storing electricity, at which point electric shocks can be sent out to damage opposing Pokémon. Pikachu can also use their shocking powers to zap a foreign object that they come across as a means to inspect it. But that’s for battle; so what about Pikachu’s energy powers in his off-time?

According to Pokémon canon, Pikachu can use electric shocks to recharge their fellow Pikachu if they are in need. They also are known for charging up their electricity storage when they sleep, which is something that every smartphone user wishes could happen with their phone as easily as it happens with Pikachu. Upon waking up, Pikachu are often seen discharging excess electricity, just like yawns, while they stumble around and get ready for the day

All New Jonin In Boruto – Ranked – OtakuKart

Jonin is a Ninja rank that very few are able to attain. A Jonin is someone with enough skill to take on an A-Rank or an S-Rank mission. A person usually becomes Jonin after passing the Jonin exams, and the youngest ever Jonin in Naruto is Kakashi Hatake, who did it at the age of 12. There are lots of new Jonin in Boruto as well, and we haven’t seen most of them yet. However, there are a few that we have seen. So today, I’ve made a list of the new Jonin in Boruto.

5. Katasuke

Katasuke is a Tokubetsu Jonin, and he heads the scientific research division of Konohagakure. Since he is a Tokubetsu Jonin, that means he may not have all the qualities of a Jōnin. But, he certainly does have a few. Katasuke is extremely smart,. And have responsible for creating most of the Ninja technology in Boruto.

4. Misuno

Misuno is probably a name that you haven’t heard before. She is a Kunoichi form Kirigakure, and one of their strongest. Misuno is a Jonin, and she was introduced to us in Boruto. She is said to be a powerful Jonin, who is also the right hand of Chojuro,the current Mizukage. The bodyguard of a Hokage is someone who must be strong, and I do believe that she is a capable Kunoichi.

3. Moegi Kazamatsuri

Moegi was once a member of Team Ebisu. She has some a long way since then, and she has gained the rank of a Jōnin as well. Not only that, she’s become a Jonin leader as well. She is the Sensei of Team 10, which includes the 17th Generation of the Ino-Shika-Cho trio. Moegi is very powerful, and she also knows the Wood Release Kekkei Genkai.

2. Hanabi Hyūga

Hanabi Hyuga is the daughter of Hiashi Hyuga, and the sister of Hinata Hyuga. She is the heiress of the Hyuga Clan, and she is the strongest member of the clan right now. Hanabi’s skill was always said to be far greater than that of Hinata Hyuga. In fact, her skill was compared to Neji even when she was young. She progressed along with Konohamaru, so I’m sure that she’s a Jōnin right now.

1. Konohamaru Sarutobi

Konohamaru is a Jonin from Konohagakure, and he was promoted somewhere during the 15 year timeskip. Konohamaru is a very powerful character, and his base strength is said to be greater than that of base Naruto Uzumaki as an adult. Konohamaru might even know Sage Mode, but we don’t know that for sure yet. He certainly will be one of the strongest Jonin around once we get to the end of Boruto.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Pokemon Go New Update Added Pokestop And Christmas Surprise – OtakuKart

Pokemon Go developer Niantic has modified the way its weather system works in the game.The recently published weather system lets players earn bonuses and discover additional Pokemon based on the current weather.But dynamic weather bonuses are removed if weather warnings are issued throughout the world.

This led to some players missing out on bonuses, even if they weren’t in any danger.But a new update has given players the chance to confirm that they are safe, which keeps the weather system intact.The ‘I am safe’ button is especially good news for anybody in locations with frequent weather issues that are deemed “extreme” by Niantic.Niantic is also rolling out an update that’s sure to help all Pokemon Go Gen 3 trackers.

The development team has confirmed plans to release a new wave of Gym and Pokestop locations.This is being done using Niantic’s older AR title, Ingress. Ingress Agents are able to submit new locations via the Operation Portal Recon program.This also happens to affect Pokemon Go, with Niantic confirming that new locations will be popping up this week.

“With the help of Ingress Agents around the world using Operation Portal Recon, we’ve identified interesting new locations to play our games,” a message from the Niantic support team explains.“We’re happy to say that many of these locations will also be added to @PokemonGoApp over the next few days.”

This could prove a huge boost to Gen 3 collectors and Raid players, especially in rural areas.Niantic recently announced a surprise festive bonus as part of the Pokemon Go Christmas event.In order to give players a better chance of catching more Gen 3 Pokemon, Niantic has made a major change to Lure modules.

Instead of lasting just 30 minutes, Lure Modules will last for six hours.The effect will last until January 4, which is when the Christmas event comes to an end.”Surprise, Trainers! In celebration of the holidays, from now until January 4, Lure Modules will last 6 hours when activated!” Niantic confirmed.”With these long-lasting lures in play, everyone’s chances of catching more Pokemon originally from the Hoenn region go up!”

Pokemon Go : Different Types Of Lures?!

Pokemon Go has promised a few more surprises before year-end, so stay tuned to see what else the game has in store.We can clearly see Niantic is actively expanding the Pokemon GO development team to build many more amazing updates in 2018.“Stay tuned for news next week about upcoming improvements to certain features.” and as a trainer, I hope we get something much better than a global event.What are your thoughts?Lemme hear you guys out in the comments or you can get connected with me on Snapchat-Vibsz16 and Instagram. Stay tuned.

Here is the list of Top 10 Gen 3 Pokemon That Are As Strong As Legendary Pokemon, and can help any player to capture and attack gyms.

Number 10 – Milotic

MAX CP- 2542

Image result for Milotic pinterest

Milotic is an aquatic, serpentine Pokémon with a primarily cream-colored body. It has red eyes with long, pinkish antennae above them. Additionally, there are long, hair-like fins above its eyes, which begin thin and thicken towards the tips. These eyebrows extend to almost half of Milotic’s body length and will be longer on the female than the male. On top of its relatively small head is a straight spike. The tail consists of four large, blue fins with pink ovals in their centers. Each of the tail fins overlaps the next slightly, causing it to resemble a fan. While it has not been depicted, Milotic’s scales are said to change color depending on the viewing angle.

Number 9 – Flygon

MAX CP- 2458
ATTACK – 100

Image result for Flygon pinterest

Flygon resembles a slightly insectoid, bipedal dragon. It is primarily light green and has a pair of large rhombus-shaped wings with a red trim, toeless hind legs, and skinny arms with three-clawed hands. Its tail has several dark green stripes and three small green rhombus shapes with red trims at the end. It has large eyes and a pair of green antennae that point back. The eyes have red covers that prevent sand from getting into its eyes. With its wings, it kicks up sandstorms to hide. Its wings make a “singing” sound when they are flapped, earning Flygon the name “The Desert Spirit”. It lives in the desert.

Number 8 – Gardevoir

MAX CP- 2341

 Gardevoir wallpaper

Beginning its life as Ralts (the Pokemon that kinda looks like male genitalia), it’s a little surprising it turns into Gardevoir – who looks a lot like some kind of elegant dancer (and a lot of other things, if you dare to venture into Google Image Search – which reminds us: NEVER GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH ANY POKEMON EVER BUT ESPECIALLY NOT GARDEVOIR). Apart from its traumatic internet legacy, it’s a pretty solid Pokemon (now one of the added Fairy-types), and its Pokedex entries indicate that it would do anything to protect its trainer. Always nice to know your Pokemon has Stockholm’s Syndrome.

Number 7 –….


Dorei-ku the Animation – Episode 10

We’ve seen Ryuuou’s backstory from Julia’s point of view. This episode we get Ryuuou’s backstory from Ryuuou’s point of view. His relationsh...