Monday, April 30, 2018

Caligula Episode 4 – People who do not respect themselves will not be respected by others

My, my. To think we’d be alive for the moment when Smeagol became a focal point for an anime in discussing isolation and desire. How lucky can you get?

I liked this episode a whole lot more than the last one and I’m pretty sure it all comes down to how well you can relate to the subject material, which isn’t actually all that surprising. I can identify with seclusion much more than with body/eating disorders, just from my own personal experiences. I’ve also started to really get a kick out of the μ song that comes on at the climax of each episode. The lyrics have been targeted for the specific issue we happen to be dealing with and it just adds a lot more to the scene. It’s just good music.

While I don’t doubt there will be more violent, action centered episodes in the future, based on the blond lady surrounded by Digiheads, the fact that they’re showing that there are alternative solutions to overcoming personal setbacks is notable and appreciated. Sometimes, just offering to talk or eat lunch together can be enough of a starting point for change. I don’t buy into the whole ‘Smeagol was just lonely’ bit they tried to use, but the message came out loud and clear which is the important thing. Honestly, hearing a Lord of the Rings reference to any degree is just a nice bonus.

They got everyone together a lot quicker than I thought they would. They even went through the trouble of skipping the explanation of the mobius system and the reactions to it, flashing forward to everyone accepting it as truth. In an anime attempting to cover so much ground, it’s definitely a good sign for time management. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve watched a show that has insisted on repeating information over and over again despite very obvious time limits.

I’ve had to do this in the past too, but I’m starting to enjoy the show more now that I feel like I finally understand where it’s coming from. It was unclear to me from the first few episodes whether or not this was supposed to be sci-fi, psychological, comedy, action, etc. Now that I have my expectations aligned, I’m starting to take more pleasure in watching the new episodes. Like I mentioned before, I think being empathetic to the particular episodes content is crucial in the viewing. Considering this show seems to be a shout out to mental health in general, empathy is probably a pretty important concept in general. Being so familiar with Suzuna’s trauma in this episode has made me reconsider not liking the last episode. Due to not connecting with it, I kind of wrote it off. Now, I like to think that empathizing could be a key feature of this series. And they say you never learn anything useful from watching TV. Pfft.

Because of the general nature of the show, it’s hard to know how much time has passed since Shougo has been ‘awakened’, but how the hell do him and Aria not have a plan for how to escape? Aria even says she’s 1/2 of the system (or used to be, most of her power is gone now). You’d think she’d have some way of communicating with μ. And μ is so dense, saying she doesn’t understand why they don’t like it here! Gosh, I don’t know. Being chased around by former friends turned monsters, finding out my world is only half built, and having my reality crumble around me seems like a great way to spend a weekend…

I know she’s being manipulated by the musicians, but this seems like something a small sit down and chat session could clear up pretty darn quick!

Also, I’m aware it’s kind of cheesy, but I like the idea of channeling the negative feelings they have accumulated to create ways to fight through a feeling of catharsis. Aria said Shikishima wasn’t ready yet, but I’m hoping they’ll all get their own versions of personified catharsis soon. Assuming each character gets their own episode, there are still 3 or 4 episodes to go and then maybe escaping from mobius will become the main plot. I know this all has been more or less laid out in the game that this show is based on, but I’ve never played it. So, everything here is new to me and I’m super interested in seeing how far the show takes it in the coming weeks.

Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu Episode 15 [A Blood-curdling Confession!]

Personally, I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see Escanor after his fantastic introduction. However, how can I stay mad when we finally get to see Diane again after all this time? It was definitely really nice to get to see her and see how she’s doing after several episodes of absence. I was beginning to feel like the series was forgetting her at times. A lot of things are happening all at once and it may feel a little overwhelming, but I feel like this episode handled it well and I felt engaged with everything.

Matrona is teaching Diane to dance and we get to find out a bit of what happened to Matrona after she supposedly died when Diane was branded as the Sin of Envy. I just love the chain of events that basically saved Matrona’s life. How it was actually Diane that ultimately saved her by having mercy on some of those savages back in her flashback, who she threw into the lake instead of killing them. And because of that, one of the savages that was spared came to help Matrona when she was dying of poison. Not only that, Diane also saved Zalpa’s kids. If she had killed him when she was supposed to, those two adorable children would have been orphaned. Diane’s kindness literally saved not one, but FOUR people. That’s a pretty big accomplishment if you ask me. It was also her kindness that ultimately changed Matrona for the better. With the series of events, Matrona was actually able to see how far Diane’s kindness had gone and the good that came from it.

It’s also really adorable to see how pleasant Diane and Matrona’s relationship have become and they’re actually finally seeing eye-to-eye. I think Matrona being in a family overall is really sweet, especially with how caring she is towards the two children who are already calling her “mother.”

However, with the Ten Commandments on the loose, things can’t stay happy. Especially when a demon flies over and spreads flyers of a tournament that is offering one wish for the winner, catching the eyes of many, including Meliodas and company. This part was pretty silly and cute, especially when Gilthunder just really wants to enter with Meliodas. Such a fanboy~ The two behind the tournament turn out to be the blue giant and pink haired guy (I’m not sure if his name was dropped yet so I guess I’ll call him pink hair). And boy does he drop a couple large facts being he and Meliodas are friends and the name of the giant, Drole who Matrona prayed to, which was a pretty shocking moment and well executed.

But man, it was a breath of fresh air to see Diane genuinely happy considering her life has just been pain and suffering for the longest time this season. Seeing her giggling and dancing with the biggest smile on her face just warmed my heart. Now if only she could get her memories back… And of course things go from happy to terrible at a drop of a hat when Matrona’s kids get attacked by one of the messenger demons. And boy did Matrona just go complete MAMA BEAR on that demon because its top half was completely gone. My heart had to go out to Matrona with how worried and pained to see her children in pain, blaming herself for leaving them alone. It also shows how much her new family means to her by risking a trap in the demon run tournament to save them. Matrona has come so far from being a completely battle-hungry warrior to a loving and caring mother.

So we come back to how Fraudrin was kidnapped by the Pleiades of the Azure Sky and we finally get to meet the leader, not to mention the younger brother of the king, Denzel. We get some silly banter between Arden and Deldry, which makes me ship them more. Though it’s always really weird to see Waillo just constantly ask Deldry to marry him. Especially after I looked up their ages with Waillo being 39 and Deldry only 23. Quite… the age difference there. Moving on…

The fight between Fraudrin and Denzel was pretty exciting. Especially since we haven’t really seen a good sword fight in this series for a while. But Denzel’s ability that has the person’s he’s stamped be haunted by the spirits of the people they’ve killed is really interesting and also very terrifying. Though I had to chuckle at how somewhat sassy Denzel is. When Fraudrin tried to hit him with his attack, but he just stood there, cracked his neck and then moved before the attack hit the spot where he stood. Turns out it was Deathpierce’s ability that delays attacks. I wasn’t a big fan of him when he first appeared and this episode essentially cemented the fact of my dislike for this guy. But I’ll get into that a little later.

When Dogedo showed up to “relieve them of their post” I was immediately suspicious. Especially when he told them to hand over the incantation orb. And lo and behold, it really wasn’t Dogedo and instead was the other Ten Commandment, Grayroad. I’m starting to really like Denzel, especially since he was immediately aware that they wouldn’t be able to kill Fraudrin in Grayroad’s presence. And this is also where my respect for Deathpierce dropped significantly. He’s so arrogant and confident in his abilities, believing his power would hold off two of the Ten Commandments. Thankfully Denzel was there to talk him down before things became ten times worse. This man has a good head on his shoulders as he was able to deduce how Grayroad’s commandment could activate just by the name. And while I’m supposed to be rooting for Fraudrin’s defeat, seeing him put Deathpierce in his place with his words and intimidating aura  was somewhat satisfying. Though that feeling immediately wore off when he went and stabbed Deldry. I was just starting to like her, how dare you Fraudrin!

There were so many big plot twists dropped in this episode, but the biggest one had to be the reveal of Gowther being a Commandment. Though I think it’s too early to completely take Fraudrin’s comment as complete truth, especially since we don’t have the complete picture. (Not to mention that big hint in the opening…) Can’t wait for next week, especially since Diane may finally reunite with everyone.

Gowther what even are you?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

My Hero Academia s3- Episode 4 [My Hero]

YES, THIS. THIS IS THE KIND OF EPISODE WE ALL DREAM ABOUT. Pure raw emotion, amazing fight scenes, beautiful animation!

So, at the end of the last episode the villains attacked the training camp. Setting a poisonous fire to the forest and begin attacking the students and pro-heroes alike. The extra lessons group receives word about the attack via telepathy and Aizawa runs out of the building to enter the fighting frey. Dabi quickly intercepts him and takes him out. Which is unfortunate, I’m hoping he’ll get up and enter the fight later on. I get that the villains would try to zone out the pro’s so they can take care of the kids more easily. Still, I don’t enjoy seeing powerful characters taken out in such an easy way to create a sense of suspense. In the USJ arc, Aizawa fought until he was almost dead and severely strained his quirk to protect these kids. I’m sure this isn’t the last we’ve seen of him for this arc either.

We spare a few moments of the episode to the kids in the forest, some of class B that has teamed up with Yaoyorozu to get gas masks that she was making with her quirk. One member of the class states that he is going back to fight the villains, that class A who got into the school going through the same test. Taking the same exams as them, should not be so special or far ahead. Clearly, the one thing that they have over class B is their experience on the field and by that I mean the fight at the USJ.
This will be important next episode, but this episode, let’s talk about what’s really important!

Midoriya’s fight against the villain that killed Kota’s parents! Whoa boy, was I way off base for the intentions of the villain watching Kota. They weren’t even aware he was there, he wasn’t included in the list of people who would be attending the camp. So the idea that they wanted to recruit him was pretty far off base.It seems like this guys only goal in life is to kill, kill, move, use his quirk. He doesn’t care about the goals of the league of villains, so long as he can kill people.
Midoriya runs off as predicted to gather Kota and comes face to face with this villain.

Midoriya, being Midoriya. Claims that he will save Kota, no matter what. This fight is amazing, the raw emotion I felt when Midoriya was being pinned down by a pure ball of muscles. As he apologized to his mother in his head, as he thought of All Might. As he embraced the idea that he might die in his duty as a hero. As he takes advantage of the one moment of weakness that the villain shows. Everything about this is just pure amazing and I felt like a child deep inside rooting for Midoriya and quietly screaming “Yes.” as he pulled into the power of One for All and pressed it beyond. Straight beyond to Plus Ultra levels! Using his broken arm to keep going and punching the villain.

IT’S AMAZING. Like I said last week, this is exactly the kind of stuff i’m in this series for! Badass fights!

Next week we’ll have more fights with the other characters. This week was just Midoriya being all kinds of a badass and that’s fine by me.

Persona 5: The Animation Episode 4: Steal It, If You Can

Berry’s Impression

With this episode, the Kamoshida case has come to an end. Before the Phantom Thieves infiltrate Kamoshida’s Palace to steal his treasure and destroy his twisted desires, Ann visits Shiho in the hospital and the boys do preparation such as buying weapons, first aid, and crafting some tools, which is stuff of course you can do in the game before facing the final boss. We got some cameos from certain characters, hello Takemi and Iwai. I don’t know if we’ll see more of them, but it was at least nice to see them and hear Akemi actually talk.

As for the episode itself, I think it was the best of the four we’ve gotten. They put up calling cards around the whole school, catching the attention of everybody. Kamoshida is angry at the message and gets a little violent. The group see Kamoshida’s other self and Morgana confirms that they can enter the Palace and steal the treasure. However, they have to do it immediately before the effects of the calling card fades away. What he means by this is that if nothing is done immediately, then Kamoshida will think of it all as nothing and not worry about it. But once he saw the calling card, he was immediately on edge so that’s the best time, as was seen by the increased security in the Palace.

The fight itself was fine, they actually retained a bit of the game by making Kamoshida’s gross monster form in CG, which I think looked nice to me. Ren’s Persona fusion happening during the fight and not before or after was actually really cool, it added a bit more tension and “NANI?!” moments that kept my attention. I’m actually kind of glad that they didn’t spend too much time on the action, because so far from what I’ve seen in the anime, the action scenes can be a little clunky. They still added the all-out attack in the end, but it wasn’t as awkward as all the other times. Also, they kept in the game OST like Blooming Villain, Last Surprise, etc., which is always a huge plus. Ann confronting Kamoshida after the fight was good too, but I felt like she shined more after, when the day finally came when Kamoshida barged into the assembly and confessed in front of everyone that he was physically abusing the volleyball students, and sexually abusing the female students. Wanting to kill himself from his guilt, Ann stepped up and told him not to run away from what he’s done like a coward. Considering Ann is one of Kamoshida’s victims, it was very brave of her to fight him and confront him in the Palace while also speaking up to him at the school assembly. It’s definitely not easy for a victim to go up against their abuser, but Ann is a very strong-willed girl despite how she was in the beginning. And thankfully in the end, all ends well when she texts the boys that Shiho woke up from her coma, which again we didn’t see in the game, and seeing Ann breaking down into happy tears really touched me.

For now, things are better as the Phantom Thieves have saved students from more pain and trauma. We also got some more tidbits, such as the code names for the characters while they’re in the Metaverse, and with Ren a.k.a. Joker being pretty special. He can posses more than one Persona, as we saw as he met up with Pixie, and that he can create a whole new Persona through fusion with the help of Igor. It’s a mystery as to how he can do all this and it certainly caught the attention of Morgana, and also got him his code name, Joker. The other code names are pretty obvious.

We also got the official visuals for the OP and it’s pretty cool! Kind of wish they kept the black/red aesthetic throughout, but it’s still good. As the anime finishes its first arc, I’m kind of pondering my feelings about the show. So far, it’s going fine I guess. It’s presenting us everything we need to know about the plot, but also is cutting out lots of stuff such as deeper explanations on certain things, cutting out subplot points (I’m not sure if they’ll mention them later), and just basic character interactions between the members. Ren, Ann, and Ryuji I feel don’t really stand out all that much right now, and that’s because the anime doesn’t have enough time to include at least a little more of the dialogue from the game that increased their bond.

At least best boy is going to show up next. And I would be much happier for that….until the VERY end. The very VEEEEERY end, with Akechi. I know they wanted to show the Sayuri painting, but I don’t know whether I should laugh or scream in astonishment from the spoiler they showed in the end. I won’t say anything more, so as not to spoil the anime-only people watching this, but oh my goodness. They’re making things too obvious…

They could have handled the end of the episode much better.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Dorei-ku the Animation – Episode 3

Things really keep escalating in every new episode of Dorei-ku. The episode starts off with Seiya and Julia talking while Julia is reveling information to Seiya about her new life. As Midnight suspected in the previous episode’s blog entry, Julia had a duel in process, but she doesn’t start wearing her SCM until after she explains her new lifestyle to Seiya. In the end it goes about as expected and Seiya ends up losing. Julia also takes away Seiya’s SCM.

Yuuga and Eia find out pretty quickly that Seiya isn’t Yuuga’s slave anymore and ownership has been transferred to Ryuuou. The website Yuuga showed them was some pretty creepy stuff, but it reminded me we met Julia in the short after credits scene in episode 1. It’s interesting to see the limits of the device, although I have a couple of comments about those limits that I’ll mention later on.

This time around we meet new characters again. The episode mostly centers on Adachi Shiori and Taiju Nakano. Shiori works at a café where she impersonates a princess from the Rococo period, but although she doesn’t seem to dislike the job, she admits the character she plays is very different from what she’s like in real life. One day, as she’s leaving work, a girl approaches her and asks to be made into Shiori’s slave.

Nakano explains the process of slave-gaining and the SCM to Shiori and as they’re about to decide on what kind of duel to have, they are approached by two guys who insist on hanging out with them. Shiori proposes having a duel until midnight and the girl who gets the guy to spend more money on them will win. I found this really funny as a type of game because I didn’t see any connection between that and becoming someone’s slave, but well, a duel is a duel. Nakano was adamant about becoming Shiori’s slave and she even said that she would let Shiori go if she happened to win, but it really shocked me to see Nakano was really serious about winning! Wouldn’t she tried to lose on purpose if she really wanted to be a slave? That was pretty suspicious to me.

Either way, they go through with the duel, eventually one of the guys spikes Shiori’s drink and we see quite an aggressive side to Nakano. Later they’re resting in a park when midnight strikes and Shiori has now become a slave to Nakano. There’s also quite a reveal here: Nakano is actually a guy! I honestly must say I didn’t see it coming, even if his aggress response to the drink thing was a hint, but I really liked that development. Right about then a hooded figure approaches them and they feel their SCMs vibrate.

Zenichi Bukyo makes a grand entrance and thinking that Shiori is the master in this pair, he forces her into a duel through physical harm and threatening to kill them. Shiori accepts and loses so Zenichi now owns her as a slave. He’s under the impression Nakano is Shiori’s slave so Nakano takes this opportunity to get away and try to find help to rescue Shiori. Julia ends up finding him and they make an alliance of sorts, having the rescue as the duel that will seal Julia’s ownership of Nakano. I thought that was some pretty cool strategy to guarantee that both of them will get the results they want. As they get back to the park, there’s another SCM user there currently in a duel with Zenichi and it’s… a dog?! I suppose the dog is trying to repay Shiori’s kindness from before, as she fed him when he was hungry, but why a dog would be wearing a SCM is anyone’s guess until we meet the owner, I assume.

Either way the episode ends with Zenichi losing and a lot of things being in the air as to how the duels will continue. It was a really intriguing episode with some nice strategizing, but also questions keep popping up about how all these characters will converge, if we’ll see previous characters at all again and what’s the deal with Ryuuou’s who we have yet to meet.

As for my comments on the limitations for the SCM, I can’t imagine why Yuuga let Seiya and Ayaka roam around with the SCMs on after knowing that people can be forced or tricked into duels. It’s crazy that people can’t defend themselves from being in a situation like Shiori’s where she was beaten until she agreed. I don’t really understand how the device can make someone obey if they are being tricked, as in they don’t know they’re dueling, the feeling of losing shouldn’t come… well, at least to me it’s kinda iffy and the dog… how can the dog give commands? I suppose dueling without one of the people involved knowing is a duel has to be possible just so the dog duel can happen, but I can’t really imagine how commands and ownership would happen in that case so I’m looking forward to finding out.

Friday, April 27, 2018

High School DxD HERO Episode 2 – Gotta Sneak into the Women’s Bath with a Little Chaos and Plot

I’m always with Issei and his love for boobs, I gotta say, but my homework kind of got that top priority.

Let get in this!

They are going to school trip to Kyoto, and they have this nice hotel minus Issei( he got that ghetto one room apartment room) I almost died, though.

They be going on lit trips, but we have to go to campsite for our senior trip(we get cabins, though). That’s not bad, but I’d rather take the crew’s school trip over our school trip. For real.

The Chaos Brigade wasn’t forgotten in this mess. Okay, I forgot about them. They are still trying to mess up the world and the different myths. I forgot why tho, to be honest. I guess they want to rule them all, which is a good bet. In this episode, they kidnapped the fox queen of that temple they visited and nobody knows what happened to her.

But first of all, why the gang getting attacked by the fox queen in the first place. She was saying her mother was dead or something… which is probably the work of the CB, or some entity working with the CB.

Why do I call them “ the gang” of “ the crew”, this is not Scooby Doo. They do have defeat the CB and figure out where the missing people are, though. Hmm….I should stop trying to force connections.

The most epic battle of this entire episode had nothing to do with the Chaos Brigade. It was battle for the women’s bath with Rossi and Issei.

The moment when you have every man’s dream and you still want to look in the women’s bath:

They were going all out, and I thought the entire hotel would fall down. Then Issei used Dress Break on her and her tits were exposed. Rossi has some big tits, though.

Also, why doesn’t Rossi have a boyfriend in the first place? She is nice person, but her not having a boyfriend and being depressed about it is a good comedic gag( to be honest).

Then another important thing in the show was the other people who hosted the Red Dragon Emperor giving Issei permission to open the box of Juggernaut Drive power( after seeing the boob dragon vid). Well the only 2 that can speak and talk to him. Why can’t the others talk to him? I believe it was because the other 2 were the most powerful users of the power, I think? Also, the most powerful users never come out often in this area with the other user, for some reason. I think it because they died painfully and/or horribly.

“ Once you open the Pandora’s box, you can never close it.” So he let out of the Juggernaut Drive Power and he has to deal with the consequences of letting it out. If he can’t manage his powers, it will be the end of him.

During the episode, his power transferred to a couple different people. His friend and them some random guy in the street. I felt bad for that random guy, he looked like a crazy man even though some weird power was possessing him. His friend just grabbed the non-existent boobs of his other friend and started rubbing them, which was real awkward, but played off better than the random guy on the street.

Well, I want to see how they get the fox lady back, how Rias deals with Issei being gone more, and more of general trip. I also want to know specifically why the president’s honkers are the key.

Thanks Wanderer for that great list of names of tits!( on last episodes comments) That made my day.

“Bosoms, melons, milk factories, busts, funbags, knockers, ballistiques, boobies, jugs, nipples, jubblies, STONKING GREAT TITS!”

And all the commercial break scenes

Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Episode 4

This week it was Hinako and Pin who shared the spotlight. Although it had it’s shining humorous moments, the outcome of the event was a bit of a disappointment. But perhaps it really did work out for the better, especially for Hinako’s case since at the end of the day, she wants Pin to see her as her raw self, not as Hinako the Model.

But as Teresa put it, Hinako and Hina the Model are one and the same, it is just another side of her, one where she happens to feel more confident about herself than she usually would. Having heard that, it put Hinako at ease, so wasn’t disappointed by Pin not recognizing her, and is content with being able to wait until she as her usual self gains the confidence to tell him herself.

It was cute to see Pin practice with Hinako, but he was so shy about it that he couldn’t even face her. In fact it was nice to see more of his shy side, especially the conversation where he thanked her over the phone. He said all the things he wanted to say to her, making us wonder if he really did realize it was her. But my goodness, there were moments when I experienced second-hand embarrassment on Hinako’s behalf. Pin is not shy in praising her beauty, and I was just waiting to see the girl melt into the floor.

It is also quite hilarious how Alex continues is the only one who has picked up on the secret. But it’s thanks to her being upfront about it, Hina now has two friends (Teresa, the second one) who knows the other side of her.

Frankly, after I watched this episode, I intially made the decision to stop covering this, and was not going to release an entry. But the decision still continued to haunt me for the rest of the day, and so here I am, writing this post because after some time reflecting I changed my mind and decided to give this a few more weeks.

The primary reason why I decided to give it a second chance is because I realized even though Mitsuyoshi and Teresa have not been not in the spotlight since the first episode, there is in fact a purpose for it. Both Mitsuyoshi and Teresa are more or less benched for the purpose to to observe what is going on around them. Although we have yet to see any signs from Mitsuyoshi himself, we have been seeing a subtle development on Teresa’s end. Since episode 2, Teresa has been quietly observing/experiencing what is happening around her. Particularly in episode 3, we see that she is slowly but surely developing a crush, followed up with last week’s episode where she was conscious of experiencing an indirect kiss with Mitsuyoshi after he had taken a sip from her cup. This week at the end of the episode, we see her muse about how love is complicated, and reflects on her own secrets she is keeping from the others. All of these things will affect her future decisions, or so I would like to believe that is the writer’s intent.

This is why I have a feeling the core piece of the story will not rolling until Episode 6 or 7. So it will take a bit more patience to see get to the point, especially if they intend to develop the main couple’s relationship in a rather unconventional way.

With that in mind, it looks like the next one to be in the spotlight will be Tada’s sister Yui!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Tokyo Ghoul:Re Episode 4 – Horror Is In Session

It’s back! The horror of this show, where they kill people left and right. I love how they let a character think some thoughts and then they kill them. I think that is kind of funny, but ever so cruel. But the thought is always something dumb…like “oh, I can show them..” or something like that.

I love that scene where that Pitbull-looking ghoul came in and Hotel Room Service started playing on my playlist. Ay!

“Forget about your boyfriend and meet me at the hotel room..”

I was dying then that b*tch realized she was being sold. Haha. I thought that was funny. She was confused for a hot moment, and then she was like “let me contact my team”. Then she tried to contact the team, and she realized she was in crate. Ouch. She was catching Ls. Then since she looked like a half ghoul, a bunch of people were trying to get her and she got stabbed. She better learn how to use her powers real quick, otherwise she’ll die soon.

Honestly, I believe this whole auction thing was a front to kill a bunch of CCG agents and to have a battle. Am I wrong? But like all set-ups,  some people didn’t know about this, but at the same time a bunch of people did.

But I felt like the auction was cruel in general. They basically kidnap people and sells them for millions of dollars. Like the slave trade, the ghouls who buy the people probably sell them to other people and so on. If the halfie ghoul was sold, I think they would try to use her for fighting, and then after they realized that she couldn’t fight, they would sell her into prostitution. Just saying,

I felt bad when they said kill all the ghouls in there, but at the same time, if you’re selling people into slavery or buying people, you should probably die.

And the Torso guy, is creepy AF. I was like okay then. I mean calm down… And other guy who was trying to get the halfie for his master was also weird and German. He also needed to calm down. It reminded me of one those movie fights for the girl. I thought that was funny( don’t worry I find everything funny during a horror show, no need to be alarmed).

A bunch of people are about to die in the coming episode, which is for sure. But in every episode, they mention something about not being afraid of dying and doing what you have to do and stuff like that…

“There comes a moment where you come in contact with God… And God is unfair…”

Also, who is that guy( I’d like to think he’s dead).. I have no clue, but at the same time, nice quote from a character I don’t know. I need to read this manga instead of reading Saiki or DC comics.

Also, the clowns… they looked like savages by the end of that episode. It’s funny the way they killed people. They kill comically because they are clowns. More reasons to be afraid of clowns. A couple years ago, someone started that killer clown rumor and people kept on saying they saw the clown…. That was a weird October. And then a bunch of people were afraid of clowns. Ah, man!!

Overall, I think the next episode will be interesting. What is Juzho’s relationship to Big Madam( I don’t remember)? Is halfie going to live a free life or is that German guy going to get her? Is Haise team going to advance ahead? How many people died in this battle? How many ghouls? What does Aogiri Tree want out this battle?

He’s a boss a$$ b*tch!!

So many questions, but we all have to wait til next week.

Steins;Gate 0 – Episode 3

Midnight’s Impressions

There is a decent amount going on in this episode, yet a lot of it comes out in quiet character interactions and the looks on characters faces. A lot of internal character struggle on the part of many of the series key players. A christmas party, Amadeus trying to solve the mystery of why Okabe called her ‘Christina’, and the reports that Okabe has to give on his interactions with the AI program.

Christmas time means a Christmas party and this is exactly what Mayuri is cooking up in an attempt to cheer Suzuha up. She invites all her cosplay friends, Ruka, Faris, Okabe, Daru and ends up with two unexpected guests in the form of Hiyajo and the professor, who’s name entirely escapes me but I can’t stop laughing every time he butchers Okabe’s name.
Mayuri even goes as far as making santa costumes for all the girls. Which is all kinds of adorable. She’s honestly trying so hard for everyone, for Okabe, for Suzuha. In the end, she is really getting the short end of the stick. She knows that Okabe only has eyes for Makise. She knows that Okabe is suffering quietly, even if she isn’t entirely sure why. I feel bad for her.

I feel bad for everyone in this episode. I feel bad for Suzuha as she continues to fail to bring Okabe into the time machine and prevent the war ridden future that she knows is coming. I cringed deeply as Daru brought her to the Christmas party and I saw them turn off the lights and ready the party poppers. Not because the sentiment was bad, but because that’s not the kind of thing you do to someone obviously suffering from PTSD the way Suzuha is. Luckily, she realizes that there is no real danger quickly and nobody gets hurt.

I feel bad for Hiyajo as she grows more and more about Okabe blurring the line between Amadeus and the real Makise Kurisu, I get the feeling she’s come close to this herself. The brief flashback of her crying at Makise’s funeral is heartbreaking. Despite the fact she wasn’t in the first Steins;Gate or even mentioned is almost sad. Because I feel like even from these first three episodes that her and Kurisu had a close and perhaps almost sisterly relationship.
I understand that she wasn’t probably thought of at the time the original game or even the anime was written, I do enjoy the way her story fits in though. It doesn’t feel forced in or contrived.

Most of all I feel bad for Okabe who is blurring the line. As he goes to almost kiss his phone at the end of the episode. As you can see that he is almost mistaking the AI for the real person. As Hiyajo has to rip the cell phone from his hand and remind him that Makise is dead.

It makes you think really, about ourselves as humans. Grief is a strange thing, how we deal with it and how the human mind processes it. How when we lose someone dear to us, we would give almost anything to see them again and talk to them again.
If we had a program like Amadeus. That could store the memory of the dead and use it’s thought process and make it almost seem like the real person was there, what would it do to us? How would we process it. A lot of people, myself included, would probably start to mistake it for the real thing just like Okabe.

When Hiyajo rips the phone away from him and reminds him that Makise is dead. The flashback and memories of all the time lines and the pain, the pure scream of horror and the look of fear on his face. He was using Amadeus to forget and repress that pain and that is all kinds of heart breaking.

This episode suffered from a lot of, underable, mood whiplash. Where parts of the episode felt bright and happy, other parts felt like pure despair. These people who are suffering so deeply are just trying to live their lives at least, in Okabe and Hiyajo’s case.
Meanwhile, Suzuha is ticking down the clock until a disaster strikes.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Piano no Mori Episode 3

The competition begins, with guest star: Mozart!

Annnnd now it’s apparently over according to literally everyone, even the judges, except of course for our #1 forest piano-playing boy.

There wasn’t a lot that happened this episode, but it looks like we finally get to meet another one of the pianists that will be driving the story forward. Takako’s dynamic, instant attachment to Kai as her replacement Wendy is very, very odd but I guess also endearing? No, no. It’s just odd.

We also got to see Amamiya’s father for the first time. There was definitely a debate in my head about which type of father he would be. Harsh and controlling or laid back and approving. Thankfully, it looks like the latter is true. I guess Amamiya’s mom has enough strictness for the both of them.

This is only the first song of the first competition, so there’s definitely leeway, but I have to say I’m not impressed. As far as the music itself went, it sounded very nice. Of course, I’m not anywhere near knowledgeable enough to be able to be critiquing compositions. That’s what everyone’s reaction shots and gasps are for. Visually, I was pretty ok with the CG they used this time. It wasn’t great, but most anime tend to shy away from showing hand movements (probably because of the complexity of animating it) so being able to see it at all was a nice change of pace. I’m pretty hyped to see both Takako and Kai play in the next episode. While I am pretty sure Amamiya will still win, they did skip over Kai developing his own interpretation of the competition music. Hopefully, that is because he managed to figure something out. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts off poorly, overcomes his fear of Mozart halfway through, and then in the last second shows a blip of his true potential which shocks everyone to their cores.

It seems pretty clear that Takako is going to be crushing on Kai and Kai is probably going to ignore her advances in order to keep his rivalry up with Amamiya. Off the record, can I just say, anime has really been trampling all over this ‘I’m your rival’ business. In more and more series, everyone is just piling on rivals left and right. For, like, no reason. What happened to the honor, to the intense privateness of a deep connection between two frenemies?! Every time a main character goes to the bathroom now they come back with another rival! It’s ridiculous!

Ok, ok. I’m done.

From the looks they exchanged, I’m curious what the relationship is between Ajino and Amamiya’s father. The nods they gave made me feel like there’s a lot going on under the surface. Like Ajino may have been close to, or on the verge of, becoming the #1 pianist before he hurt his hand opening the path for Amamiya’s dad to take the spot. Now, it’s them raising the next generation to compete with each other to see who really should have been the best. Or something like that.

As I previously mentioned, the piano playing looked cool overall, despite the minor disrupting of the CG. I do want it to go further though. The show uses light and unique scene creations to really drive home the beauty of what the kids have been doing so far. It would be a shame if that was lost in the competitions. Being able to see the actual playing of all the notes is certainly something that I enjoy, but I need a but more ‘oomph’ to really get invested in it.

Kai’s mom was so cute this episode. I 100% respect Kai’s attempt to not involve his mother, for fear of her overreacting, but I’m also kind of glad she found out. Their relationship is very different from Amamiya and his mother and it shows a nice juxtaposition of expectations and ways of showing affection. Now that Amamiya has his father figure in the picture, I like to think that Ajino will slowly take on that role for Kai.

Dorei-ku the Animation – Episode 10

We’ve seen Ryuuou’s backstory from Julia’s point of view. This episode we get Ryuuou’s backstory from Ryuuou’s point of view. His relationsh...