Pokemon go been through many changes in recent time.Niantic has changed EX RAID On 21st November parent company of Pokemon Go, Niantic posted an update news on Pokemon Go official website.Niantic has announced a very big change to Pokemon Go raids, designed to even the playing field for trainers at all levels and pleasing Magikarp fans in the process. The raid system, especially EX Raids, has faced criticism because of the way it seems to favor certain players and locations.
Niantic mentioned was, there’s a big jump in the quality of rewards for raid participation. Trainers will now get Golden Razz Berries for completing raid battles, and while the number of potions and revives awarded for completion will decrease, their quality will improve.
The good part now is trainers will be rewarded stardust just for participating in raid irrespective they win or lose, and the likelihood of getting fast and charged technical machines for tier 3+ raid battles has increased. But the best news? Magikarp is making a triumphant return to tier 1 raid battles!!(**REALLY EXCITED**)
Niantic has also made clear the guidelines for future EX(exclusive) Raids, with the key takeaway being a focus on EX Raids taking place at sponsored locations.These battles will most commonly happen here and at gyms found in parks. Trainers with a high-level gym badge are more likely to be invited to EX Raids happening at that gym, just as trainers who have a higher number of battles under their belt are more likely to be invited to EX Raid battles.
As Niantic goes through these recent changes, as per me why a player shouldn’t spend PokeCoins on getting Super Incubators. Pokecoins are one of the essential entity.Let’s say that you wanna spend 600 coins. You can either get 3 super incubators or 4 normal ones. Let’s also say that you are only going to hatch 10km eggs. So, if you walk 20km, you’ll hatch 9 eggs with your super incubators (3 eggs x 6.66km, 3 at a time), or 8 eggs with normal incubators (2 eggs x 10km, 4 at a time) With super incubators, that’s it, you’ll have to buy more, but with normal incubators, you’ll still be able to hatch 4 other eggs. So yeah, you shouldn’t buy super incubators.
This is what I as a player do and feel, and as now raids are officially updated and Niantic expects players to be excited and actively take part and enjoy all these rewards.Also, Niantic ended the support for iOS8 and below, so players who haven’t updated their system will have to say bye to Pokemon Go.
Niantic is actively expanding the Pokemon GO development team to build many more amazing updates in 2018.“Stay tuned for news next week about upcoming improvements to certain features.” and as a trainer, I hope we get something much better than a global event.What are your thoughts?Lemme hear you guys out in the comments or you can get connected with me on Snapchat-Vibsz16 and Instagram. Stay tuned.
Here is the list of Top 10 Gen 3 Pokemon That Are As Strong As Legendary Pokemon, and can help any player to capture and attack gyms.
Number 10 – Milotic
MAX CP- 2542
Milotic is an aquatic, serpentine Pokémon with a primarily cream-colored body. It has red eyes with long, pinkish antennae above them. Additionally, there are long, hair-like fins above its eyes, which begin thin and thicken towards the tips. These eyebrows extend to almost half of Milotic’s body length and will be longer on the female than the male. On top of its relatively small head is a straight spike. The tail consists of four large, blue fins with pink ovals in their centers. Each of the tail fins overlaps the next slightly, causing it to resemble a fan. While it has not been depicted, Milotic’s scales are said to change color depending on the viewing angle.
Number 9 – Flygon
MAX CP- 2458
ATTACK – 100
Flygon resembles a slightly insectoid, bipedal dragon. It is primarily light green and has a pair of large rhombus-shaped wings with a red trim, toeless hind legs, and skinny arms with three-clawed hands. Its tail has several dark green stripes and three small green rhombus shapes with red trims at the end. It has large eyes and a pair of green antennae that point back. The eyes have red covers that prevent sand from getting into its eyes. With its wings, it kicks up sandstorms to hide. Its wings make a “singing” sound when they are flapped, earning Flygon the name “The Desert Spirit”. It lives in the desert.
Number 8 – Gardevoir
MAX CP- 2341
Beginning its life as Ralts (the Pokemon that kinda looks like male genitalia), it’s a little surprising it turns into Gardevoir – who looks a lot like some kind of elegant dancer (and a lot of other things, if you dare to venture into Google Image Search – which reminds us: NEVER GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH ANY POKEMON EVER BUT ESPECIALLY NOT GARDEVOIR). Apart from its traumatic internet legacy, it’s a pretty solid Pokemon (now one of the added Fairy-types), and its Pokedex entries indicate that it would do anything to protect its trainer. Always nice to know your Pokemon has Stockholm’s Syndrome.
Number 7 –….
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