Saturday, December 9, 2017

Generation 3 Pokemon Confirmed To Hatch From Eggs – OtakuKart

With tons of research still being made about the recent new major update. We can confirm that generation 3 Pokemon can hatch from eggs. However, they do need to be eggs received from after the generation of Pokemon was released. Just like any other form of changes to the eggs. Any changes that are made the old eggs will remain what they were before the update.

PokemonGo: New Updated Egg Pool

As many new Pokemon, as we have, there are very few of them that actually hatch from eggs. Out of the 55 generation 3 Pokemon there are only 12 of them you can hatch. Some of these Pokemon, however, could be put to some good use later on in the game.

Normally when there are new Pokemon added to eggs, or Pokemon are added to the egg table in general. Existing ones are taken out. At this point, it’s not certain which Pokemon were taken out of eggs if any were.

If you wish to hatch some of these new Pokemon. It’s recommended you wait on buying incubators until the deals go on for the next event. This is because the prices of incubators might be reduced and we might get the single-use incubator again this year.

Here is a list of the Pokemon you can hatch from eggs so far. This list will more than likely need changes and update. However, this is what we know so far.

2km Eggs

Poochyena – Zigzagoon – Wurmple – Azurill (unconfirmed) – Gulpin – Spoink

5km Eggs

Treecko – Torchic – Mudkip – Shroomish – Shuppet – Wynaut

10km eggs

Ralts – Slakoth

It does look like Slakoth will become the next Dratini and Larvitar. This means any of this Pokemon you come across be sure to Pinap berry it if it’s low enough. Slaking is supposed to be the highest CP rated Pokemon in the game.

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Ho-oh was recently released to the public. While everyone turned their attention over to Ho-Oh finally making it into the game. Pokemon GO’s newest update rolled out. Breaking the game for many iOS users. Trainers who played the game on iOS 8 or earlier will no longer be able to play the game.

However, those trainers aren’t the only ones facing problems with the newest update. Other iOS users have been reporting they are no longer able to use their Pokemon Go plus devices. At first, they were just bugged. Now, they just aren’t even connecting to the game.

More bugs are still being reported. However, let’s go over the top 10 Pokemon to use for Ho-oh. It is thought this flying Snorlax is the toughest legendary Pokemon any trainer has tried to battle. Recently, a 3 man group was able to take this beast down. Though, it’s recommended you have around 7-10 people in a group before you can challenge this Pokemon.

Ho-Oh’s raid boss CP is 48276. If you are looking to get a perfect Ho-Oh. Look for a one that is 2222 in the catch bonus after defeating the raid boss. Not familiar with Ho-Oh or which Pokemon to use to help take it down faster? Here are the top 10 Pokemon to use when challenging Ho-Oh.

1.) Omastar

This Pokemon isn’t often seen used during battles. However, because this Pokemon can learn rock and water type moves. It’s a good suggestion. Many trainers may not have a maxed out Omastar. If not, don’t worry, this is only the beginning. Rock Throw and Water gun are recommended for fast moves. Charge moves you will want Rock Slide or Hydro Pump

2.) Golem

Golem is a trainer favorite when fighting any boss that is weak against rock or ground type moves. This Pokemon is a fairly fast attacker and has a pretty sweet movement when attacking. Rock throw and Stone Edge are the two moves you will want when facing Ho-Oh, however, watch out for Solar Beam.

3.) Raikou

If you didn’t get a chance to get a Raikou, thankfully, there are more Pokemon on this list other than Legendary counters. If you plan on using your Raikou, the moves you will want are Thunder Shock and Wild Charge. Don’t forget, you can use rare candies to power this Pokemon up.

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