Thursday, January 18, 2018

Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS Episode 35

It was refreshing to say the least o have a break from the duels and focus more on discussing more details about the plot. I was actually taken aback by how much they had given us today, without making it feel like a complete info dump. As predicted Akira logged into Link VRAINS, but he wasn’t able to do much since Dr. Kogami stopped him by imprisoning him. Poor guy was to watch losing his sister twice, the first time from the fall and the second time her data being consumed he is just beyond reach. But since he had come all this way, Dr. Kogami decided to take this opportunity to tell Akira about how and why SOL Technologies killed him ten years ago.

I want to smack that smirk off his face

He confirms he was in fact the true mastermind of the Lost Incident, and SOL Technologies had nothing to do with it. He claims the company can’t comprehend his ideas, but when the incident came to light, the company imprisoned him and covered everything up, all for the sake of monopolizing the Ignis he developed. In their eyes, they saw Ignis as a way to make profit, but if the incident were to be publicized the police would seize it and they would not be able to use it. So they attacked and infected Dr. Kogami with a computer virus to put him in coma. He was only able to go home years after the incident because they thought he was dead. However his son (Revolver) did not give up, and was able to remove the virus, and recreate his mind in the network. And so together they created the Hanoi Knights: but not for revenge. Just like their name implies, their job is to protect the world from Ignis by killing them, at any cost. The Ignis were supposed to guide the world, but because they possess Free Will, they became dangerous savages that will destroy the world. An AI with Free Will is far too dangerous.

Now I don’t know about you, but this just makes me hate Dr. Kogami even more. He is a despicable man. I don’t care for his grand intentions of making Ignis guides of the world! For the sake of his ambitious project, he kidnapped children, tortured them, starved them if they failed, it doesn’t even look like he even cared about them suffering from PTSD! He can go on all day about how Ignis are monsters, but considering he hasn’t shown even a shred of remorse for what he has done to those children, Dr. Kogami himself is the true monster!

And then there’s Revolver. I don’t know about you, but I am quite alarmed and terrified about what kind of guy he actually is. He is a genius to say the least, and despite his earlier duels with Yuusaku, it makes me wonder how much of his strength he has yet to show. He is certainly not someone to mess around with.

Now Spectre is just scary. He is the complete opposite of Yuusaku, and has no attachment to the real world. Raised at an orphanage, he was always alone and struggled to mingle with others, so life was lonely and boring. But when he was kidnapped and was forced to do the experiment, it was fun for him. He loved being a part of the project, so much, it gave him the will to live. He was proud of the fact he is being tested for bigger things, embraced the pain he endured, because he never wanted to leave. After-all, there was nothing for him to return to.

However the project came to the end, and he was sent back to the orphanage where was even more lonely than before. He wasn’t alot to talk about the incident, adults treated him cautiously and eventually he ran away in hopes to return to that place, waiting in hopes for someone to come. That person was Revolver, who in return gave him a home, a place to belong with the Hanoi Knights.

The only attachment Spectre ever did have in the real world before the incident was the tree he was abandoned under as a baby. This tree was on a hill behind the orphanage, and to him, it was the only family he had. It was also the only thing he missed during the incident. However when he was released, the tree was gone, it had been cut down and that pretty much broke him. However it’s clear to me that Spectre’s memories are warped, because let’s be real: Even though this is Yu-Gi-Oh!, in the real world, the tree ain’t that magical. He remembers it the way he wants to, and in his mind, Sunavalon Dryades was his protector, protecting him from the environment, and even predators, and is now the heart of his deck.

But there is a valuable statement to think about that may have slipped under the radar:
If the incident hurt you, you must’ve led a happy life before that.”

Take a moment to remember, besides his memories of the Lost Incident, we know nothing about Yuusaku’s past. All we know is that the incident caused him to lose something incredibly precious (my current theory: His Memories). So since the incident has hurt him, does that means Yuusaku led a happy life before the incident?

No, not necessarily.
Whether or not the child was happy before that, doesn’t matter. What does is how it affected them during and after the incident. Spectre is a unique case where it appears he isn’t suffering from PTSD like Yuusaku and Jin (Kusanagi’s brother) are. What they lost wasn’t necessarily a happy life, but normality. Now they are suffering endlessly, haunted by the incident, affecting their day-to-day lives, and for some, they lost a piece of themselves. It’s difficult for them to be normal again, because nothing will ever be the same. This is something Spectre can’t understand because in his mind, the incident was a blessing.

Now Yuusaku is in quite a difficult position. He is shaken by the fact he has to fight one of the Lost Children, and his resolve to seek justice for the those who went through the same pain as he did is starting to waver. The scary part is that his resolve is the only thing that his holding him together right now. Without it, he will crumble. Next episode he will be put to the test of Spectre’s relentless psychological warfare. It is quite terrifying to hear he had defeated Aoi without revealing his true strength. And since Yuusaku did not have a chance to see the duel, he doesn’t have the advantage of knowing what the nature of Spectre’s deck, like Spectre has of his. He decided it would be best to play safe, since the only thing he has to work with is putting together the clues of Blue Angel’s deck and her quick defeat.

And finally the devil himself: Ai.

He is seriously he scaring the crap out of me. I did not like that evil smirk on his face! It was chilling to say the least. He sees Playmaker wavering, and recognizes Spectre is a dire threat. Remember the threat is not about simply being defeated, but spilling the beans of what makes Ignis so dangerous. Faust was trying to tell Yuusaku, but it was too late, Ai already had him wrapped around his finger. Now Ai is trying to do it again: End this duel quickly, defeat Revolver and rush to the tower to prevent its competition to prevent his demise. The scariest part about all of this, is that Yuusaku has no idea he is being used and being played like a fiddle. The only clue has has is the last words Faust had told him, an AI with free will and are a threat to humanity. In the condition Yuusaku is in now, I don’t know if he will be able to piece anything together.

It is good to see the story is finally ramping up in a big way, so I look forward to what we are in store for the coming episodes!

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