Monday, March 5, 2018

IDOLiSH7 Episode 11

UGHHHHHHHHHHHH! IT GOT STOLEN! THE FREAKING SONG GOT STOLEN OH GOD!!!!!! I am losing my mind right now, this is so @#()**!@ dangerous for them!!!!!!!!

I lost it when they decided to press on and sing the song. I had to rip off my headphones at that point because I just couldn’t listen. It was too brutal. All I could do was yell at my screen, “WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WOULD YOU STILL SING IT JUST SECONDS AFTER TRIGGER RELEASES IT!!!!” Like that’s freaking suicide! This is how Yatome intends to smear them and smash them for once and for well. What puts Idolish7 at such a disadvantage in this fight is not only because they are new, but it’s in their records and been filmed and out on the internet how they performed TRIGGER’s songs in front of their concert hall. Had they performance the song just a few seconds earlier, maybe, MAYBE they would gain some leverage. But the problem here is TRIGGER is huge, established, and the hottest group on the market- AKA Goliath. It makes me physically ill knowing just how badly this will backfire on Idolish7.

And ohhhhhh boy, Nagi is pissed. The angriest we have seen him to date. Nobody messes with his BFF song! (I’m like 99% sure they are best friends!)  At this point I am quite convinced Zero is the anonymous composer for Idolish7’s songs, who is a legend to boot. But taking into consideration how carefully Zero has been keeping himself out of the spotlight of the entertainment world, even though this will piss him off, I highly doubt he will step forward to claim his work. I am a bit anxious and excited to see what Nagi will do. But I sure as hell hope that bloody thief who calls himself a composer is not related to him. That would freaking suck.

Frankly speaking, I am shocked Yamato figured it would be best for them to go ahead and sing the song. I thought he’d be a bit sharper than that. But at times like this, oh my god, Tsumugi, girl- you need to act quickly! You can’t just stand there in shock, you gotta protect your boys! It’s called Damage Control!!!

Ah man, and really, I don’t like chewing Tsumugi out, but the writers are making it really hard for me not to. I was not pleased to hear she is using Iori’s ideas again. In fact, what are her ideas?! Right now her character is so hollow, there is no way for me to identify what could be her ideas. I hate how it feels more like her character is deteriorating rather than undergoing important developments. And what makes this so frustrating is that I know she can be a strong character! One of her strengths is her persistence, and dedication, but at the same time, she can be such a doormat. More often than not, just about everything seems to walk all over her. I want to see the fierce Tsumugi we know she can be! I think the last time we saw her take the wheel, was when the storm caused a blackout!

This ordeal is undoubtedly going to cause Idolish7 to experience major setbacks once again. The only way they could possibly recover from this is if the composer confesses his crime of stealing their song. Interestingly enough, Tenn sensed he did not write the song, but decided to go along with it anyways. However with how he has been incredibly hostile to Riku and took upon the role of the senior savage giving Idolish7 members an earful on the elevator, I question how reliable he will be in this conflict. But yet again, currently it appears Tenn has yet to learn that Gaku at the very least, has learned the truth about his relationship with Riku.

I was quite surprised to learn neither Gaku nor Ryuunosuke were aware the two were brothers, therefore oblivious to Tenn’s betrayal. It turns out, he isn’t as open to the others as I thought he might have been. That being said, I’m bummed out that we didn’t get see the conversation between Gaku and Riku, especially with how friendly the guy is. Like my god, he is polar opposite to his father. He is definitely at the top of my bias list right now, I love him to death. But I definitely feel like we will be seeing their conversation in a flashback at some point, perhaps next week if Gaku chooses to confront Tenn about it, or perhaps his father since he was the one who recruited Tenn in the first place.

Speaking of family, dear god… We have yet another problem to worry about. Unfortunately Sogo had not been able to discipline Tamaki enough to prevent him him from making a verbal agreement to participate in the program after a producer approached him with a carrot on the stick, claiming he heard “rumours” about him searching for his long lost sister, and how they ‘hope’ to have their program help him do that. Immediately, I was nervous about it because it could be yet another trap prepared by Sousuke. The whole thing feels too good to be true, and the fact he doesn’t know anything related to the project, nor gotten Tsumugi’s permission. And while I acknowledge this is Tamaki’s greatest flaw- I would be lying if I said it doesn’t annoy me. Rather, I can’t stand it Some people think Tamaki’s main irritating feature is his obsession with pudding, but for me, its his bratty attitude.

On the bright side, before we were thrown in the pit of hell itself, the episode had its cute and funny moments. My favourite had to be when Riku starting speaking in front of the door. We the audience already knew TRIGGER claimed the entire top floor, so I knew there was no way in hell it was going to be Tenn’s door, but either Gaku’s, Ryuu’s or an empty room. But poor Riku, how awkward is that to lay your heart out only for someone else to hear! Bwahaha, his fault for not knowing which room he was in!

Next week, man it’s going to be so stressful to watch. Battle of David VS Goliath begins! Who will come up on top, and who will fall?! It is an understatement to say, Idolish7 is turning out to be an incredible rollar-coaster ride.

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