Thursday, March 8, 2018

Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS Episode 42

This episode was all about Desperation Plays, and dear god, it felt like such an overkill! Besides of a couple legit of surprises here and there (such as both Yuusaku and Ryoken losing an arm at one point, and gaining it back), this episode as a whole was incredibly underwhelming and ended on such a disappointing note.

Well at least he got a cool new Dragon.

What made this episode such mess? Well a number of things, but the one thing that really ticked me off was how they used the “For the Love of my Son” card. So basically Dr. Kogami sacrifices the last of his life to protect his son Ryoken (Revolver) and help level the playing field by providing the same opportunity Playmaker had (with Ai’s assistance), so he doesn’t kill himself in the process. But Ryoken doesn’t want that, and makes the decision to force the duel to end by taking both himself and Playmaker out in the process.

 “I’m sorry, I can’t continue this duel!” – Revolver

Like are you flipping kidding me!?!?!?!?! @#!*(@#& THIS!  After all of that build up and anticipation for this duel, THIS IS HOW THEY END IT?! Look I get his dad just died (or is about to), but feels  like such a cop out from the writers. Come on! The only “silver-lining” we got out of this is, Playmaker finally lost! He is finally on the board everyone!
And this irritates me to no end.

See that puff there? I’m pretty sure that was Playmaker smashing into debris. Hope Ai shielded him from that one.

AFTER EVERYTHING WE WENT THROUGH, not only this duel ends as a draw, but apparently both Yuusaku and Ryoken are going to be somehow miraculously spared from the Tower of Hanoi and are going to meet in the real world in the next episode! HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?! HOW DO THEY NOT BE ABSORBED BY THE TOWER, ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY QUITE LITERALLY, RIGHT NEXT TO IT. I don’t know, but it better be god damn convincing because from what has been established: Those who come into LINK VRAINS during this event, will not come out, (and be sacrificed to the Tower of Hanoi- unless it is stopped!). 

As result I can’t help but wonder if the writers intend to pull yet another “Phase 2 Duel” between the two in the real world. (I wouldn’t be surprised considering they ended this duel an episode sooner than I thought!) Or do they intend to simply make it a confrontation to learn more about the truth behind the Lost Incident, the Ignis species and what makes them so dangerous? Ai will be there, so he will surely have a lot to say in defence of those claims- or so I would imagine. (He isn’t one to simply sit quietly after all!)

And not only that, but I am also have a hard time picturing Dr. Kogami being out completely out of the game. He was the mastermind of the Lost Incident, so we can’t lose him like this. He surely must have a purpose to fulfill, because I don’t think Ryoken can fill his shoes. But there’s one problem, his consciousness is stored in a Cloud Server. So should they destroy the world’s network, that means Ryoken will lose him for good. This is perhaps that could be they key reason why Revolver made the decision to take himself out, under the assumption he is required to finalize the tower’s process of destruction. (Which is also why Yuusaku and Ai was so dead-set on defeating him, to make sure that doesn’t happen.) 

Speaking of the devil himself, Ai certainly had some major surprises of his own (at least for Yuusaku). He revealed he can not only escape the Duel Disk, but also grow into a Human Size figure, hijack other objects like a the hover-board and even provide him a thirty seconds shield to draw out Transcode Talker from the high density Data Storm, and even healing/regeneration (after he lost his arm), and even repaired his program. As much I would like to say he did it because he cares about Yuusaku, it’s clear he didn’t because if Yuusaku if didn’t get back his arm/died right there, Ai will fall along with him.

Which brings me to Yuusaku. In this duel in particular, he wasn’t quite himself. He acted more reckless than usual, such as attempting to use his skill and summon a new monster from the data storm, only to lose an arm in the process. This wouldn’t be the first time Yuusaku resorts to this method when he is in Speed Duels, especially since it can only be used when he meets a certain requirement, so I suppose one could say this is one of his major character flaws, and something the antagonists can potentially exploit in the future.

Maybe I am overreacting, but I can’t help be feel upset about this outcome. I suppose I just have to sit tight until next week, and hope that there will be a good explanation for all of this. My only fear is that the build up with the sacrifices such as characters like Ghost Girl, Aoi, Akira, even Onizuka will be for naught. We are drawing near to the 50th Episodes, and right now there is a risk of turning into one of the weakest events of VRAIN thus far… I hope the will be able to pull it together.

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