Monday, April 2, 2018

IDOLiSH7 Episode 15

And god damn it, I knew the verbal agreement between Tamaki and the shady producer would backfire. Had there been a contract, he could have explicitly had control of making sure they don’t reunite him and his father- not to mention, that was unbelievably awful and uncalled for. Tamaki specifically said he was looking for his sister, but to call in his father without hearing any background for the guy himself was the staff’s mistake, and are the ones who should be apologizing in the first place. Though I do wonder if Sousuke had a hand in this of tipping off this information to them in the first place.

With the orchestrated combination of malicious comments and articles, rumours running rampant with a mix of truth of lies, and seeds of doubts being planted among the members are all the symptoms to the rift forming between the members. It had gotten so bad that Otoharu has made the decision to disband Idolish7, again. However I don’t think it’s an official disbandment, but simply a temporary one where they will cancel all of their public appearances and such, and force the boys to regroup and start communicating properly amongst each other. This comes about just as they received the invitation to attend JIMA, one they should be celebrating not overlooking due to tensions between them.

Of all the members, it is Nagi who is the only one who manages to remain grounded throughout in this whole fiasco. And it hurts his heart to see his teammates be at each other’s throats, bitter at the secrets that either been kept from them, or secrets they are being accused of. Mitsuki learned through the malicious articles how it was thanks to Iori that he was able to even get a chance to be recruited. Had it not been for him, he wouldn’t have debuted it. This of course is a tough pill to swallow, especially since for his entire life, while Mitsuki loves his brother dearly, he also can’t help but feel bitter about being overshadowed by him, again and again and again. It actually makes it even worse to know that Iori never dreamed of becoming an idol in the first place, he simply did it under the condition his brother could make it though. Honestly, I don’t know how anyone is supposed to react to that– hell, I don’t know how I would handle that either.

Ever since Tamaki broke down, I have noticed Sogo has become extremely protective of him, especially after the incident with his father. In fact, Sogo is the first to defend Tamaki, and understands him best. He knows the things he blurts out when he’s upset are usually empty words, and just his way of releasing his emotions, but there were a couple of times when he went a bit too far, such as unintentionally provoking Yamato by saying he expects him to understand the pain and shock Tamaki is going through, having been a secret love child of a famous actor.

And this leads to the next major rumour going around: Yamato being a secret love-child of a famous actor. To be honest, like Sogo, I also have an inkling this has some truths to it– especially since Yamato has such a strong reaction to it, and attempts to deny it at every opportunity, while looking incredibly uncomfortable and wanting to dodge the subject altogether. His revenge has much to do with family, and it has also been hinted he may be related to Chiba Shizuo, the actor mentioned back in Episode 9 with how he really didn’t want to talk about him, let alone was impressed by him at all. Although he may not be a secret love child, it could simply be his father was never there for them, or another tradegy has struck that fuels his desire for revenge.

And finally, we have TRIGGER, who finally learned through Riku about the truth behind the summer song. Gaku had initially dragged Tsumugi out in hopes to gain more information in why his father hates Otoharu so much, but instead learned their song was actually stolen. And all it did was validate Tenn’s suspicions. He had a bad feeling this was the case, but chose to keep it to himself, fearing it would hurt Ryu and Gaku. His cold facade of acting as “business partners” melted when Ryu got the two of them to open up to each other. (Side Note: I have a feeling Ryu and Nagi would be great friends)

In fact Gaku was so upset with his father, he gave his buddies a heads up he might have to quit TRIGGER because he wants to go and punch his father in the face. But now that the fact Tenn and Riku are twins have been made public, it looks like TRIGGER as a whole is about to retaliate, in perhaps a way Sousuke never expected them to. If there’s one thing we have learned, there are two people you should never piss off: Sogo and Tenn. If you hurt the ones who are dear to them, they will come for you.

I am incredibly excited to see if and how TRIGGER themselves will strike back against Sousuke himself. They are done with being used as tool in Sousuke’s game.

On the extra note, the brightest moment of the episode was Gaku going out with Tsumugi!

I’ve been told the next episode won’t be out till May but… still DOn’T MAKE ME WAIT TILL MAY!!!!!!! ; A ;

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