Monday, April 16, 2018

Hugtto! Precure Episode 11

Okay so as there was so cool stuff that happened this episode, but at the same time, it left me with a lot of mixed feelings.

Last week: The problem that was preventing Hana from taking form as a precure was because she was being plagued by her own self-doubts and constantly comparing herself to her friends, who each other their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Thinking she is utterly useless, and can’t do anything right.

This week: Hana decides she wants to quit being a precure because she failed Hugtan. She feels she doesn’t deserve to be a precure anymore because she has nothing because she isn’t like Saaya and Homare, and can’t protect Hugtan—-which makes no freaking sense, because she is making it sound like she has never been able to transform in the first place!

So the underlining theme of Hana being unable to do anything, including turning to a precure continues, but this is where things changes. For starters, the next day Saaya tells Hana about her strengths she is too blind to see. The side of her that is a hard-worker, upfront and someone who can raise your spirits. She tells her she admires so many sides of her, and scolds her for thinking she has nothing. This of course makes Hana feel a lot better.

We then see the girls go to Hugtan’s favourite place where the band is playing music, and they hug her closely so she can feel their heartbeats, and she wakes up, making everyone is happy, especially Hana! Shortly after that, enemy strikes and Hana goes out to fight, and she is able to transform, no problem. She doubted herself for a split second, but Saaya and Homare believed in her, and thus she was able to transform!

I am sorry, but if that isn’t a flipping free-pass, I don’t know what is. In the end, to be able to transform again, Hana never had to face the problem that prevented her from transforming in the first place. Saaya’s words of encouragement was merely putting a bandaid on the wound, enabling her to become a precure once again, believing she could do anything!

And having regained her ability to become Cure Yell once more, Hana’s confidence soars, and awakens her new power. Hana didn’t simply get some new “mirai crystal”, oh no, she got some even greater out of it, a freaking sword!

As badass as that looks, unfortunately being the heroine who slays the evil monster was not the precure she wanted to be… which is funny considering how the mirai crystal got her ideals wrong. When she saw Charaleet’s true form, she saw his vulnerable and terrified true self within the ugliness of the beast. She recognized he needed to be saved, and so she cast away the sword, declaring the precure she wants to be is someone who fights to protect the smiles and happiness of others.

Ironically, Charaleet’s suffering more or less mirrored Hana’s insecurities, but on a far greater scale. Which is fine, especially since it made her acknowledge her own insecurities, and realize she isn’t the only one who is experiencing such turmoil. But what frustrated me the most, was how they allowed Hana to transform before she realized what she wanted to accomplish, how she wanted to save others, and acknowledged her problem. It would have left a far more greater impact, but would have been even more beautiful to watch had they made it so when she realized it, it would enable her to draw out her power once more. The main reason why I feel this way is because the question the episode revolves around: “Is this the Nono Hana you want to be?”

Yes, Hana and Cure Yell are one and the same, but Hana’s personal insecurities had absolutely nothing to do with her capabilities as a Precure (aside from being unable to protect Hugtan and transform). In fact, what caused the problem was not what she was doing as Cure Yell, but as the ordinary girl, Nono Hana. Until last week, Cure Yell had no problem getting the job done, but everything changed Hana wasn’t able to transform into her because of her self-doubts.

Also, what ever happened to Charaleet? Did he turn into a freaking tree?! I am so lost right now.
But poor guy, my god– I take back everything I said about Pupple being a lousy villain, when she brings her A-Game, she is freaking scary. She was the one who proposed to used Charaleet, who was imprisoned in darkness, and was in absolute distress, and turn him into that thing. Now THAT escalated quickly.

The Book Dude made a reappearance today, sharing how the “perhaps the story can feel your destiny” and shares the tale, “To save a world whose tomorrow was slipping away… The sword who chose the maiden who bore nothing.”

The maiden who bore nothing is obviously most likely Hana, in who has no particular strengths that gives her an “unique” edge, but continues to fight on with the courage in her heart to overcome the struggle, as she puts herself in harms way for others. We see today how she is able to continue to fight because she wants to protect everyone’s happiness. But instead of wielding the sword as the heroine in the tale would, Hana was forgiving and gentle, saving the ones that needed to be saved the most. Does that mean she is changing the tale? Or is the story in this world different from the one in the book? Regardless, he seems to appear whenever Hana’s is undergoing some sort of “character development”. It is funny how he deliberately lets her bump into the book as well. I wonder if he actually does that on purpose or something. He could have easily took a step back instead of letting her crash into him. He is a mysterious guy indeed… What’s his role? I can’t help but wonder if he is the author of the tale?

So with Hugtan having woke up and in better health, she started calling Hana “mama”. Of course I can’t help but freak out since I am now wondering if Hana is actually Hugtan’s mom…. I mean they are clearly from another world, but are they also from the future? Or is Hugtan going to start calling all of the girls “mama”? We will have to wait and find out, but it’s definitely weird to see that happening… It’s not like she calls Harry “Papa”, and he has been taking care of her longer than Hana has…

Overall, the episode was okay, but I definitely feel like it could have been executed better. The animation on the other hand was absolutely stellar, the fight was a blast to watch, and not to mention gorgeous! I don’t know what will become of Charaleet (especially if he just became a tree…) because I am kind of hoping this won’t be the last we see of them? It would be a bit sad considering he barely appeared, and the last time we see him, is when he gets tortured and finally cleansed.

Last thing: Can we walk about the new power upgrade for a moment? So the sword changed form into a a wand instead… and Homare and Saaya each get one too…. but instead of it just being a wand, but then they went along with making it a bloody instrument! And I’m like, what? They could have a least they have at least given each one their own unique form! For goodness sakes, Hana’s baton and and Homare’s flute can get away with its form, but if Saaya going to play a freaking harp, give her a mini harp for crying out loud! It not only looks ridiculous, but a lazy design! Honestly I’m surprised they didn’t just create three unique forms for each of the girls, it could’ve turned into a cash-cow for kids who’d want to collect all three. I know they sell this stuff!!!

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