Thursday, May 31, 2018

Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS Episode 54

I am not going to lie. I thought this episode was a weird one. For most part, I was quite entertained me with seeing Blood Shepherd’s strategy of preventing Yuusaku from him from being able to use his Skill/Link Monsters. It was a clever tactic, bringing about an interesting interaction of trying to make sure he keeps Yuusaku’s LP just above the conditions for Skill Activation. His relentless attacks were also fun to watch, because for the first time in a while (besides a major opponent), we actually saw a rare glimpse of Yuusaku freak outing for a split second. However the second he got a window of opportunity, he made the most of it by dismantling Blood Shepherd’s strategy and throwing him a curveball by whipping out Fusion Summon!

That’s right! Fusion Summon is back baby! They made sequence look real pretty too!
Now I spoke about the possibility of this happening before when Ritual Summon was announced, so while I wasn’t surprised to see it, I was more taken aback by Fusions making their debut on the VRAINS stage sooner than I had anticipated. If you may recall, at the time I mentioned about being a little concerned about how it will be handled. This is of course nothing wrong with having multiple summons methods at the story’s disposal, but l just hope Ritual Summoning won’t get overshadowed…again.
But hey, at least we go ta cool new Dragon, right?

However the biggest problem I had with the episode was the way they brought up and delivered Blood Shepherd’s backstory. They litterally threw everything at us: His name, his face, and his reason for his hatred towards A.I. Now I don’t know about you, but I felt it was not only a bit soon, but also incredibly ludicrous. Frankly speaking, the way it was executed made it feel as though this was a lazy idea, and they didn’t put a lot of thought into it. Kengo and his mother gets in a car accident after an A.I taxi malfunctions (after he jinxs himself by saying it’s safe!) and his mother’s signal cord is damaged and she will never stand again, while he lost the use of his right arm and his eye got messed up a bit too. They didn’t do themselves any favour by rushing through it too.

That’s all I have to say about this week’s episode. The duel itself turned out to be a tad more underwhelming than expected, not that I was expecting anything amazing out of it, but it was still fun to watch. It was nice to see that Data Storm Skill sequence be simplified to be not as nearly as intense as we saw in the first season, which is a nice change to say the least. Speaking of which, I would also like to note both OP and ED features Aoi’s new design, so we’re in luck! Blue Girl is here to stay!

/CRINGE I really can’t get used to that name.

Next week, they are off into the new world, or at least trying to. A major Data Storm whipping up is going to cause some problems. It will be interesting to see whether or not our two pairs will bump into each other, or remain separated. Really I just can’t wait to see everyone bump into each other again. Seeing how star-struck Takeru was with Onizuka, I can’t help but anticipate how he’d respond to meeting Aoi and her new look!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei Bu Happy Kiss! – Episode 8

As the summer season approaches Binan asks us what is the ideal Japanese summer? I pose a even broader question, what is the ideal summer in general?  A lot of the episodes answers to this question match up to a lot of my own ideas of the ideal summer.
Going to the beach
Watermelon smashing
Ice cream
Just to name a few things that the episode brings up that I agree with. So the boys of the Earth Defense Club try to figure out how to spend the last day of their Summer vacation. Kyōtarō wants to do nothing but laze around, but Karls will not rest until he’s experienced a real Japanese Summer.

Even when the Monster of the day shows up, he says yeah, they have to make him Happy again…but first they need to experience the ideal summer. Kyōtarō whispers a deal with Karls and then they run through everything on the list of the ideal summer in quick succession, while totally ignoring the Monster. Even though it’s cold and raining, they go to the beach, smash watermelons, eat cold food, go camping. Even giving the Monster some curry after he accidently helps light their camping fire.

They buckle down, beat the Monster and we find that the deal that Kyōtarō made with Karls was to extend summer magically by one more day so he could laze around and do nothing. The boys argue the semantics of what day it technically is, if it’s August 32nd or September 1st the…first time around? It’s a good laugh.

As for the Monster of the week, well, honestly his problem and unhappiness makes absolutely no sense to me. A lot of these guys will get unhappy and turned into Monsters for random and seemingly shallow reasons but you can sort of relate. Like the trouble of making friends that the umbrella monster felt, or the humiliation of having to showcase in front of the entire school that you can’t swim that the kickboard monster felt.
This one was, a guy who for some reason was dead set on doing group Radio Calisthenics for all 31 days of August and refused to graduate from High School until he’s done just that. Yet for some reason, something always screws him up on the 31st.

I think according to the way the student council was talking right before they turned him, the real problem here was an issue of a lack of structure in someones life. It still comes off as more ridiculous then necessary because Radio Calisthenics is something you absolutely don’t need to be in High School to do. Ichiro even points out that his elderly grandfather does them every day without missing a beat. So there is no reason to get hung up on the idea of doing them while in school.
There’s no reason to turn bitter and turn into a work out Monster. So as a result of them pointing out this clearly obvious flaw in his logic the battle is once again extremely short and the guy now happy works out despite the bad weather. Without the group, with Karls sitting right next to him warming up as part of his proper Japanese summer as well.

This once again was one of those totally harmless episodes that really did nothing to push anything forward in the way of plot or character development. Next episode, we’re skipping from summer to the School Festival. Oh, the first season ended on the School festival. Perhaps this is where things will begin picking up and we’ll learn more about the rift between Ata and Kyōtarō.

As we reach the end I ask myself again, is this thing between the princes everything that it seems? Will this show take the ‘reality tv show’ route that the original two seasons had? I am still curious about this seasons end game.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Mahou Shoujo Ore – Episode 9

Alright, now that we’ve worked out that Hyoue is the leader of the demons. We just need so ‘investigate’ [stalk] them and catch him in the act and prove it. Which is great and all, but that’s going to have to wait until next episode. Because instead of continuing the plot, we’re going to stop and look at our anime only magical girls. The girls of the singing group called Prisma. Michiru Ogawa and Ruka Kiryu, to be honest i’ve been curious about them as they’ve lurked in the background of other episodes.
Unfortunately, I should of known better then to really get my hopes up. Ruka is even more of a blatant lesbian for her singing partner then Sakuyo was. Constantly blushing and thinking how cute she is, snapping pictures of her and flashing her immensely thirsty looks and Michiru was just blatantly in love with Magical Girl Ore. Somehow, not in love enough to have decent or good love power though.

Because then they are approached by a shady salesman type offering them up to become magical girls. He says right off that Ruka has plenty of love power, but that Michiru is lacking in it. So he packages them in a two for one deal, making them both magical girls but because Michiru’s love power is so weak. Her lifespan as a magical girl is drastically decreased. Meaning, she ages at a way faster rate as a magical girtl…but her civilian form is fine.
Was, was that a crack at Magical Girl Site? Honestly, if it was…it was a poorly executed one.

Prisma tries to gain fame as magical girls, but it’s just not working out for them. As a concert that the three bands are supposed to be performing together is attacked [well, Mohiro is attacked.] the Prisma girls try to handle it. However, they are taken down quickly and the OG magical girl duo has to step in. However, Saki and Sakuyo encourage the prisma girls and have them shout out their love power. Ruka shouts her love for Michiru to a shocked Michiru and Ruka is like,
“Really…like I was super obvious about it. I wasn’t even hiding it…come on.”

Then the four of them power up together and take out the giant demon that had formed from a bunch of demons fusing together. Kokoro-chan beats down the guy who gave the Prima girls their powers for using a sketchy and mostly illegal contract.
The guy ‘Happy’ was Kokoro’s brother and he gets his ass whooped. We cut back to the girls and see that male Michiru has aged even more and it’s disgusting and it tries to end on a laugh track. Even having Michiru scream “Stop trying to end the episode on a laugh.”

We get a close up of Hyoue, muttering to himself that there are more magical girls now.

Yeah, this episode panned out about the way I expected it too. It did nothing outright offensive, but it did nothing to progress anything and just fluffed out the series run time which has been running pretty dry for weeks honestly.
The only thing I can say is that the end is in sight and that the next episode is what this one should of been. The girls keeping an eye on Hyoue and trying to catch him in the act of actually being the demons boss.

Next episode, ‘Magical Girl Stalking’ er…’Magical Girl Investigations’. If you want to go by Saki’s definition of what they are doing.

Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Episode 9

I would be lying if I said this didn’t turn out to be an anti-climatic episode. Maybe I was just too excited for it, but I definitely felt this was the most rushed episode to date. Everything happened so fast, so it honestly didn’t give us a lot of time to process it. But I have to laugh because the rescue played out exactly as one of the many scenarios I imagined while I waited for this episode to air. (I am not ashamed to admit I am obsessed with this show).

In the end, the one who came to her rescue was Oodanna, who made the quick decision to skip the important Hachiyo Night Meeting, prioritizing Aoi’s safety first. He was able to track her down thanks to the Ogre Fire, that was later revealed to serve as a familiar spirit of a sorts, and eventually its fire will die out soon. Byakuya was left to take care of the rest in his steed.

What’s incredible though is how fast he was able to get there. I don’t know how far Youto is from the Eastern Lands, but it’s certainly not simply a few blocks away, aha… Anyhow, she was there for quite some time, having passed out for the second time, only to wake up to realize the place was flooding. What a terrifying way to wake up. With it firmly locked shut, there was no way she was going to get out of there without the Tengu-Fan (which was fortunately retrieved).

During her plight, she remembered more of her past, and her interaction with the Mystery Akayashi. Once again, they are really doing a great job of sending us mixed signals. In fact, by the end of the episode they had me 100% convinced that it was Ginji… After-all, he to some degree, spilled the beans and much to my surprise, Aoi didn’t catch him. Well I guess to be fair, she was still unwell and feeling woozy, so she wasn’t really paying much attention. Regardless, with him knowing so much of the specific details and his guilt eating away at him, it must be him.
…Or so I thought.

All of that was thrown out the window when I collecting the screencaps, and caught sight of a very tiny, but crucial detail: The cut on her hand. Although we did not see any long black nails, (which had prompted me to assume it most likely had been Ginji’s hand) we know from the first episode when Aoi handed Oodanna the lunch, his nail broke her skin that time too. I swear to god, if it turns out it really is Oodanna, then god damn it, that means my suspicions of Ginji serving as a red-herring would be right and show that I am not a maniac who over-analyzes everything.

So now I am back to being torn between the two again, the only other thing that’s preventing me from concluding Oodanna being the Mystery Akayashi is the voice. I swear they must be overlaying it with both of their voices because I am pretty sure I heard Ginji’s voice— but I don’t have a lot of confidence in my hearing, so my take words with a grain of salt.

Darn it this mystery is taking over my life!!!

But one of the things I found rather interesting is how Aoi seems to be a lot more self-conscious around Ginji than she is around Oodanna (probably because she has him in the Friend Zone). She was flustered about her bedhead, she often feels at ease around him and is thankful for his support. And if he does turn out to be the one who saved her when she was little, I am sure she is bound to feel a bit more attracted to him, perhaps perceiving him as her knight in shiny armour due to being the one “saved” her. But as I mentioned last week, I also find it rather strange why she is in such a state of denial when it comes to thinking Ginji may have been the Mystery Akayashi. Maybe there is a part of her that wants him to be the one, but it afraid she may be setting herself up for disappointment.

It turned out at least one of the culprits were the petty dramua from Tennji-ya Inn, forcing the Chief Chef to feel the need to take responsibility for their actions by resigning and leaving the inn, but to everyone’s surprise, Aoi wasn’t going to have any of it. She has yet to taste the chef’s Tenjin-ya full course meal! She says not being able to eat his full-course meal is would be the worse! Only after she gets to experience his dish he can quit.HAHA! Aoi and her priorities! However make no mistake, that doesn’t mean she has forgiven the dramua. If anything, she will showcase her scary side and have them work as her servants.

However despite the little shits from the kitchen claiming responsibility for imprisoning her, and almost killing her in the process, Oodanna and Ginji recognize that they weren’t the only ones after her at the time. Ginji shared how the enemy used advance techniques, paralyzing him while they spirited Aoi away. In fact they believe the ones who attacked her in the courtyard most likely was involved in this incident as well. As it stands, there are a range of suspects, from it being potentially one of their own employees, someone higher above them, or Orio-ya (and based off Ginji’s reaction, I suspect he is his rival he mentioned in the past), or another one of the leaders from the other regions. With that in mind, if it does turn out that Orio-ya is Oodanna’s rival who Ginji used to work for, it could be that Orio-ya is targeting Aoi as a way of getting back at Oodanna would “stealing” Ginji away or for similar reasons along the lines of losing something because of him. With Aoi as Oodanna’s bride, she seems to be perceived a a valuable target used to get under his skin. And Oodanna choosing the Hachiyo Night Meeting over her only validates that he cares about her deeply, and as result she becomes one of his weaknesses.

However Aoi’s memory of seeing the blond zashiki-warashi offers a critical clue that perhaps Ginji and Oodanna may indicate this may even turn out to be a bigger problem than initially anticipated. The question now is who is she affiliated with, and why after seemingly to have blessed Aoi prosperity with her business, is she contributing to putting her in harms way? Could it be she is allies with Orio-ya? Or she is an entirely different party to be concerned about?

I do want to quickly note, the first time we have seen Orio-ya was at the end of Episode 1, discussing about the arrival of Oodanna’s Human bride with a tengu. At the time, they mentioned “the day of the ceremony is approaching” (why yes I rewatch the entire show often enough to remember these things, and I regret nothing!) Whatever that is, I am going to guess that could have potentially been the subject of the Hachiyo Night Meeting. When Byakuya returns, perhaps we will get some answers of what we missed, if he was allowed to participate at the meeting in Oodanna’s steed in the first place.

Of course we mustn’t forget the VIP guests of the day! When I said this episode was rushed, I wasn’t kidding. A lot happened. After being rescued, Aoi only had a few hours to work with to prepare for the Royal Couple’s dinner, and had to do it with a high fever, but she managed to pull it off without a hitch. Although Oodanna offered to take care of the Royal Couple’s request, wanting her to rest as much as she could, but respected her wishes when she stubbornly refused.

Through the words of encouragement from Ginji and Oodanna, they suggest to her to just cool her usual simple meals, and so for their main course, she ended up making stewed pork belly, which brought about memories of Ritsuko’s local dish from her hometown in Nagasaki. Another albeit small thing that she and Nui appreciated was the home-made mayonnaise, something that was hard to come back in her days due to the war. Goodness all those dishes looked delicious, absolutely drool worthy. Now I am hungry… Although I must admit, the King appeared a lot more different than I imagined. It was cute seeing the two interact, they were clearly in love with each other, and enjoy eating out and experiencing the local delicacies.

Lastly, it was so sweet to see Aoi being taken care of by the others for once. She always makes them food, but this time having almost died and suffering from a high fever, they all did a little something to take care of her. Even Ginji was surprised to see them do thing for others for free! And oh my gosh, it was so adorable how Aoi responded when presented a Dorayaki he had prepared for her. Apparently it’s not something that can be found in this realm, but he had it. Her angry face when she was eating made her the cutest darn thing.

Hyper Shiny Spawns In Pokemon GO How To Find Them - OtakuKart

Playing Pokemon, many trainers know of the oddly discolored Pokemon they may never actually get to encounter. Much like that in the mobile Pokemon Game, Pokemon GO. There are several Pokemon that have a chance of being shiny now, however, many players are finding it’s not as simple as they thought to find this rare form. Recently, rural players have came to save the day.

See the source image

Hyper shiny spawns have been found in Pokemon GO. What is a hyper shiny spawn? Well, still collecting data on spawn rates, but several players have found that collecting Pokemon that have a chance to be shiny in the same spot as getting a shiny before, have an increased chance of being shiny.

See the source image

This doesn’t mean the shiny spawning points are the only spots these rare Pokemon will spawn. Though, a greatly increased chance. It all started when a player found 4 shiny Pokemon in the same spot within a week. Then another player ended up getting just one there, but still increase suspicions.

See the source image

Letting other players know of this possible discovery in the rural town nearby, one player has been lucky enough to find five shiny Pokemon within a few DAYS. With the current even going on right now, shiny spawns have been increased a little, but to get 5 in a few days. That should be proof enough. The only problem is, how do you find these spawn points?

See the source image

Well, it’s not like you can just walk up to a spawn point, find a shiny, and continuously gather shiny Pokemon from that location. As far as data shows, this is only an increased chance of shiny spawns, not the only spawn points that have a chance of spawning shiny Pokemon. This means it can be difficult to find there Hyper spawns. Though, not to hard. As of now, the shiny chance is around 1 in 400 encounters. These locations seem to have a chance of 1 in 50 to 1 in 100. Actually hard to tell being a rural player and only enough data to confirm these spawns.

See the source image

The best chance in finding the locations, at least in larger cities would be to pay attention to the locations in which others find their shiny Pokemon or even yourself. Check back there for maybe a week or 2 checking any Pokemon that has a chance of being shiny. If you hear of people collecting shiny Pokemon from that location or you yourself get a few more within that time frame. More than likely, that location is a hyper shiny spawn point. This method works the same for rural player, though, chances are you won’t find or hear as much about shiny Pokemon. Don’t give up if that’s the case. Happy hunting everyone!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Persona 5: The Animation Episode 8 [Put an End to All This and Use Your Own Artwork for Once]

Shadow’s Impression

I’m here filling in for Berry this week since they are away so you’re stuck with me for this review. But enough self deprecation, let’s get into the review. I’m glad they just cut straight to Madarame receiving the calling card. I was actually just thinking that it’d be best for the episode to start off with that, so that was a nice surprise. I did really like the first part of the episode where they showed Madarame’s shadow appear before Yusuke after receiving the calling card and the art museum heist that they pulled off.

Unfortunately, that’s where the good pacing kind of ends since the rest of the episode had some pretty awkward pacing which the series is known for at this point. Once they find out that the treasure they stole was a fake, Madarame comes forward, revealing he had the real treasure, the real Sayuri painting, showing it to be a little different from the one that is publicly shown. Instead of the weird smoke that is shown from her chest down, there is a baby. And MAN did this part hit me with a lot of feels when Yusuke mutters “mom”. And it must have hurt Yusuke even more when Madarame goes on about how he viewed her as a disposable tool as well and even let her die when she had a seizure in front of him just so that he could take her painting without any strings attached. That laugh though that Yusuke did. He just sounded SO DONE with Madarame at that point and tells him he’s lost all ounce of his respect and reason to forgive him has all but vanished.

I was a bit disappointed with this fight because of how quickly they were able to get the best of Madarame and probably because there wasn’t enough Yusuke fighting action (though the last reason was a biased one, but I digress). Though the fighting dynamics are getting better from how they started with the first few episodes by using their weapons and guns, not just their personas. After Madarame was defeated, Yusuke’s last words to him felt so chilling and packed full with resentment and disappointment in his his expression and voice. “At least put an end to all this and use your own artwork for once.” I just love that line of dialogue. I think the weird thing that I immediately noticed from this part was that “the one in the black mask” was not mentioned like it was in the game. The black mask was a pretty prevalent mystery in the game, especially since it makes the thieves realize “we’re not the only ones who can come in here.” I’m really wondering why they’re not mentioning it at all. Are they saving it for later? Maybe they’ll drop the line later, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out.

Now, Madarame’s confession comes in almost immediately after the fight without any content in between, making it feel abrupt without the necessary breathing room. I feel like they could have at least put some sort of scene between the fight and confession to make it feel less abrupt but I really could go on about how to fix pacing forever so I’ll leave it at that. That smirk that Nakanohara did seemed very evil to me, but I feel like it was more so “hah, you got what you deserved” kind of look. It just looked really ominous to me. Though I got excited when my favorite girl appeared again very briefly, watching the news of Madarame’s confession. I’M ALSO SUPER EXCITED BECAUSE WE’RE PROBABLY GOING TO SEE MORE OF HER FROM NOW ON AHHHHHH. Sorry, I lost myself for a moment. Moving on!

With the aftermath of Madarame’s confession, everyone is talking about the Phantom Thieves a lot more since they took down such a big target. With all the buzz, the thieves decide to lay low for a little bit and decide to finally celebrate their victory while also celebrating the addition of Yusuke. Welcome aboard ma boi! Yusuke moves out of the old shack he once lived in with Madarame and because he doesn’t believe the student dorms would be a good artistic environment, decides to move in with Ann at her place. He even got a gift for her parents… This is why I love him. And he says it like nothing is wrong! And he’s legitimately shocked when Ann says no and confesses he spent all that he had left on the sweets he got. The first example of many of Yusuke’s terrible spending habits. He seems to grown quite attached to Ann, which I find endearing. But boy, he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to social norms. Though I’m sure his eccentricity is why we all love him.

In the end, Morgana invites Yusuke to stay with him and Ren for the time being. And it’s kind of weird to see Sojiro pretty laid back about the whole thing. He’s so indifferent in the anime as opposed to being hostile and reprimanding in the game. It’s… kind of weird since it takes away from how bad I feel for Ren in his situation.

Speaking of which, everyone kind of has sharing time after they eat up the hotpot with Ryuji stating that he’s known Ann since they were in middle school. Everyone in their little group has been outcasted by their peers and screwed over by adults. Ryuji’s plans of getting a track scholarship were shot when he took a swing at Kamoshida, who broke his leg in retaliation and has since been viewed as delinquent. Ann was ostracized because of her looks by her peers and was sexually harassed by Kamoshida. Yusuke is mostly ignored by his peers because of his eccentricity and was used as a tool by Madarame. And Ren is treated as a no good delinquent with a record of assault because of that one guy who sued him for getting in his way. Different circumstances, yet similar backgrounds, which binds all of these characters together and has them strive to change society one heart at a time.

After the sleepover with Yusuke, the next morning he decides to live at the student dorms. I love the small bits of development in Yusuke early on as even though he doesn’t like the idea 100%, he realizes he needs to experience interacting with different people. I am so proud of him because he does want to change and is willing to take steps in the right direction to do so. And it also says a lot of him leaving the original Sayuri behind at Leblanc. He’s not leaving it behind, rather, he left it in a place he can regularly return back to whenever he wants.

This episode’s pacing was weird. It was really fast paced in the beginning half and then got pretty slow during the second. So pacing whiplash much? It was a decent episode though with lots of Yusuke and a moment of Yusuke x Ann that gave me my otp feels for the day~ Though the next episode has me mildly worried. Are they really going to spend the entire episode on that…?

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Gurazeni – Episode 8

I suppose it was bound to happen at some point, some may say it had a long time coming, but I can’t help but admit this week’s episode of Gurazeni wasn’t as entertaining as the previous ones. This isn’t to say that I hated it or that the show is in danger in terms of me continuing it, but that this story was more of a miss for me. It still had a couple of highlights that I plan to touch up on though.

First off, we learn that the closing pitcher Segawa is in danger of being dropped because the team is looking to hire some foreign talented players. He’s obviously distraught with the news, so he starts working harder in his training right away, but the episode actually doesn’t focus on him, but on another player called Thomas. Thomas is American and a pitcher. He hasn’t really been successful enough to warrant recognition in the pros and he mostly plays in junior leagues, but from time to time he’s used in professional games. He’s worried he’ll the the one in the chopping block if a new player gets hired and he has reason to because it turns out that there are quite specific rules about foreign players in the Japanese pro baseball league.

This makes sense, of course, you wouldn’t want a Japanese league to be overrun with foreign players and if you’re importing talent, it might be unfair to local-only teams. Either way, the regulations are clear: although the number of foreigners in the overall team member count of 70 is not regulated, there is a cap of 4 for the amount of active foreign players in a game roster. On top of this, only 3 total players can be either pitchers or infielders at once in the lineup. The Spiders currently have 2 pitchers and 2 infielders in the active roster, not including Thomas, which means one of those 4 players have to be taken off the roster to let Thomas in and if a new player with more promising stats enters the team, it is only logical that Thomas would be the one to be let go.

I found this explanation very interesting and educational. I can’t say if that’s a real life rule outside of the Gurazeni universe, but I thought it was cool that it was included. Now, the reason why I didn’t enjoy the episode as much this time around is because I really disliked Thomas. He had a terrible attitude he can’t manage properly, he seems a bit entitled and he complains a lot. Bonda still does his best to support him by giving him advice on what to do if he gets dropped, by taking him along with him to work so Thomas won’t get lost and by reminding him that he should keep his cool on the mound since he has a short fuse.

Still, the advice falls on deaf ears and Bonda ends up being called to cover for Thomas when he becomes unable to perform properly. Bonda ends up getting his second victory of the season and Thomas lets his frustrations out by breaking a bucket. In the en though, we still get a nice positive ending as Thomas admits he’s learn something from Bonda. There are no hard feelings between them and they’re shown riding to work together.

Happiness is short-lived for Thomas, unfortunately, as he’s soon sent back to the juniors while Segawa is shown making a comeback. In the end the negotiations with the foreign player fell through and Segawa is no longer in danger. This was a bit expected too, if we’re to consider how previous episodes have all ended neatly in a way that minimizes impact on the cast as much as possible, but it was really the fact that Thomas, the focus of the episode, had such a bad attitude which dampened my enjoyment this time around. I hope it won’t happen again soon because I really enjoy this show.

Boku no Hero Academia s3 – Episode 8

Iida has a point and I entirely understand where he is coming from. It’s painful for him, who was saved by Todoroki and Midoriya when he ran off and did something selfish similar to what they are trying to do now. It’s painful for him to look at one of his best friends injuries and remember his own brother, who is so injured that he will never be able to work as a hero again. He has a point and has every reason to step in and yell at these boys for wanting to act so recklessly.
Leave it to the pro’s. However, knowing that they won’t be talked out of it so easily. He decides to accompany them to the villain hideout. Yoyorozu with her newly produced tracker also goes with them, however, she is also with Iida. This should be left to the professionals. Somehow though, Midoirya, Todoroki and Kirishima think there is a way that this can be solved without any combat. Rescuing a hostage without combat, it sounds impossible honestly and it probably is.

They travel to the town where the Nomu’s symbol is being transmitted from.

When Yoyorozu brings up a fairly good point. They are really recognizable, they are the students of Class-A, who performed on live TV at the sports festival and had a lot of publicity from the USJ incident. So it’s time to stop by the shop and grab disguises. I’m sure most of them are supposed to either look like other anime characters or just flat out stereotypes.
Midoriya has the gangster thing going on.
Most importantly to me though is the fact that Todoroki looks like the spit image of Mukuro Rokudo from Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
I’m not exactly sure what the other three have going on, but Yoyorozu seems to be enjoying herself and honestly that’s what matters right? A rich girl getting to go into a costume shop and buy disguises with her friends?

As they leave the shop and try to test their personalities to their new outfits. They are stopped by a TV broadcast in which Mr. Vlad, Mr. Aizawa and the Principal are giving a television interview. The public view of the school seems to be in the absolute gutter. They are being treated like the bad guys in the eyes of the public because of their failings in being able to properly protect the children.
It forces the group to come to terms with the fact that what they are doing is only going to hurt the schools image more. Yet still, they are determined to move on and keep trying to save Bakugo.

While they work on this. The pro’s are steadily gathering. All of the Pro Hero’s we’ve seen up to this point and some that we haven’t gather to begin preparing for the raid on the League of Villains.

Meanwhile, with Bakugo. The League of villains is still trying to convince him that he should join their side. That they have a lot in common and he has more to gain by being a villain. Shigaraki is even so cocky as to tell them to remove Bakugo’s bindings. As he is free from his bonds, he immediately attacks Shigaraki. Blowing the hand off his face.
Bakugo screams that he would never want to win by becoming a villain. The kind of winning he wants, is the kind where he is always the hero. A flashback shows us a child Bakugo watching All Might on TV. Admiring how he never loses.
That kind of hero worship. That desire not to lose and that desire to win as a hero no matter what. Would never allow him to become a villain.

Shigaraki does not respond to Bakugo. He’s staring at the hand that has been blasted off his face and is now sitting on the floor. He utter one word, ‘Father’ and the episode cuts.

The episode preview shows the group showing up to where the transmitter is coming from, yet, Bakugo is not there. The Nomu creature, as we’ve seen in the episodes prior as we’ve observed Bakugo at the League of Villains HQ is not with them. Instead, it is with a figure that we’ve only really seen in shadow and vague mentions. The name of this next episode is “All for One.”

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Magical Girl Site – Episode 8

A beach episode, finally something light and happy in this show. If that’s what you were thinking at any point during this episode, then you are obviously watching the wrong series. While the girls are having a good time, which Aya and Yatsumura are smiling for the first time in the entire time they’ve known each other.
A deeper, more horrible plot is brewing under the surface. The obsessive Nijimin fanboy that’s been in the background of the previous episodes has decided there is clearly only one course of action. Kill the man who defiled his beloved Nijimin. Take a knife, track down Kaname Asagiri and kill him. It’s a great plan honestly, except for the part where the obsessed fanboy didn’t factor in the fact that Kaname would steal Nijimin’s magic stick and use it’s mind control powers to drive him to his knees and verbally destroy him.

I’ve been saying for a while that we should keep an eye out for Aya’s brother, i’ve had a bad feeling about him from the beginning as something more then just a threat to Aya and a way to create more pain in her life and backstory. He manipulates Nijimi into telling him about Magical Girl site, about the sticks and about how Aya and Yatsumura stole her stick. He also manipulated her into telling him what the power of the stick was.
So while all of the girls are enjoying their time at the beach. Kaname sneaks in to the locker room area, where Yatsumura stored the stick to keep it safe from Sarina who she thought might come to try and steal it from Aya’s house while they were all gone. He breaks open the locker and steals the magic stick. Nijimi thinks it’s for her and is very happy, but of course, we all know it’s for his own purposes.

So when the stalker approaches him. He drives him to his knees, verbally assaults him, even gloats that he’s wearing Nijimin’s panties. Wonderful, fan-disservice…nobody wanted to stare at this jerks bulge in a pre-teen girls panties.
He commands the stalker to take the knife and then walk into the ocean. When he gets to a certain amount of water, he commands the fanboy to stab himself. Leaving the fanboy dead in the water. He reflects and says the odd part is that he doesn’t feel bad

Aya watched this whole thing and catches on that her brother has the magic stick. She wants to hide this from all the other magical girls, which is understandable since they would probably want to kill him if they knew. Yatsumura is already running over who it could be that stole the panties, the site admins? Sarina? Another party?
Unfortunately for Aya, she forgets they have a mind reader on their team now.
Kiyoharu is using her power and knows that Kaname has the stick and the leak of the information came from Nijimin herself. So at least they are forewarned, sort of. I still can’t trust that nothing bad is going to come from him having this power. In particular, since he meets up with Nijimin and goes to say something to her and we get cut off from information…again.

Meanwhile, the site admins are gathering and discussing how busy they are. What they need if they want to usher in a new world with Tempest. They are going to need more despair from the magical girl sticks.

Overall, this was another really good episode. Aside from the distinctly uncomfy moment of having to see Kaname in the underwear. There are a lot of cute character moments between Yatsumura and Aya, and watching these girls who have all suffered enough to be chosen by the magical girl site have fun and make good memories before the end of their short lives is rather plesant. I couldn’t help but feel a little choked up at the idea that Yatsumura is dying very soon, and having Aya make her promise to come back to the ocean again together with her sometime. Since, realistically, it will never happen.

There is a lot to be tense about as we reach the series ending. I can’t say i’m expecting a happy ending, but I at least still hope that Kaname gets what’s coming to him. That’s all I can really ask of this series.

Dorei-ku The Animation – Episode 7

After the really exciting revelation of Eia’s ultimate goal in joining the SCM game, this episode takes a bit of a step back on that faction and focuses on Ryuou again. There was a new direct challenge from Fujito Taito AKA ‘a crazy person’ putting all in the line and Ryuou can’t resist the offer, but before that, we finally get a glimpse of his real goal and intentions and we learn why Julia is so devoted to him.

Julia wants to be close to someone and cherished, she felt it with her parents while holding hands with them and afterwards with Seiya until he threw her out. She actually seems kinder than I expected, seeing this side of her surprised me a bit. In the end she had nowhere to go and a friend of her told her about a house she could stay at for free. Once she arrives there, she meets Ryuou for the first time. It turns out he’s home alone a lot because his mother is always working. Out of curiosity and a sense of duty Julia tries had to get closer to him and take care of him. Eventually Ryuou gets her to play a game with her and she loses, becoming his slave.

This is when things get more interesting because there’s a bit of a subversion of the image of Ryuou we get when he’s first introduced. He asks Julia to take him somewhere and it turns out to be the bar where his mother works, but she owes a lot of money to the mustache guy who turns out to be the owner, so he won’t let her go. Ryuou must give the man 100 million yen for him to consider the debt paid, so he needs money fast. He uses Julia as a bait to gain attraction from other slave-owners and people who are in the SCM game and she goes along with all of it, glad to have someone she can protect, help and comfort while at the same time being comforted that they share a secret together as only Julia knows Ryuou’s true goal.

I liked this twist a lot because although Ryuou is cunning and clever, he didn’t quite seem the ruthless type to me and the stories of torturing Julia didn’t add up with her open displays of devotion because she doesn’t strike me as a masochist either. His interest in getting money from his slaves finally makes sense too as he needs it to pay off the debt. I still feel like her devotion to him is a bit excessive considering how they became close, but well, the story needs her to feel and act like that and there’s only so much screen time. I also wonder now if her brand is a real tattoo or a temporary one. I must say I think it’s pretty though!

After all this we finally get to the 5-on-5 capture the flag duel between Ryuou and ‘a crazy person’. The details of this aren’t really that relevant, although I must say it was funny to see Ayaka and Seiya interact! The reason why Julia’s devotion is so important is shown in this game as she is not afraid of going through with orders that may put her in danger, but Fujito’s slaves won’t do the same for her because their fear is bigger than their allegiance to her. In the end she ends up losing, expectedly so, and Ryuou gloats that she made her think she had won right before she lost out of spite and to punish her.

Now that so many slaves have changed hands and Ryuou has so much more power, it’d be interesting to see what new factions emerge since most of the characters we met in the first half are accounted for. I’m really looking forward to more duels and I’m rooting for Eia to eventually topple all of this SCM system down.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Megalo Box Episode 8

Quite the dramatic episode after last week’s sobering ending! Not only did we get to see Nanbu’s passionate plea to Shirato about Joe’s talent, our favorite average Joe bikes into Megalonia Stadium and challenges Shirato to her face! The epitome of hype production, this episode has paved the path for the Mikio and Joe fight to be stellar.

The first thing that came to mind at the start of this episode was how Fujimaki would respond to Team Nowhere pulling out from the fight. I was afraid that he’d cut off Nanbu’s finger to show how serious he was, or something far worse. Luckily for us, Fujimaki isn’t an evil idiot but more of a greedy, smart bastard. It’s nice to see how Nanbu has grown from the bumbling coward he was in the first episodes into someone who genuinely roots for Joe. Even in the face of life and death before Fujimaki’s scary smile, Nanbu isn’t on his knees crying for mercy, but pleading for Joe’s sake instead. Perhaps it’s the effect of having Sachio at his side, who gave absolutely no craps about Fujimaki’s position as an underground gang leader. In fact, it seems like Fujimaki has taken a liking to Sachio!

The reveal that Mikio bluffed Nanbu into forfeiting was unexpected, and I thought a man in his position would definitely have the means to dig through Joe’s past. Unfortunately, Fujimaki is a professional and Mikio would’ve never made it that far anyway. But Mikio has a gear powered by artificial intelligence, what the heck does he have to fear from Joe? That’s what I was thinking as last episode ended, but as revealed by our former Shirato engineer, the artificial intelligence can only adapt to gears, not the fighters wearing them. This is basically Luffy versus Enel, with a powerful opponent getting shafted by fate against our protagonist. However, I don’t expect the coming fight to be a cakewalk for Joe at all. Joe even mentions himself that Mikio doesn’t seem to fear Joe, but rather looks down upon him as trash. The underestimation of Joe from Mikio is going to make it so much more satisfying when Joe’s fist slams into smug Shirato face!

A side note on the former engineer though, does he know Sachio? As he walks into Fujimaki’s bar, the engineer stares at Sachio. Do they have history? Could it possibly be one of the figures that Sachio keeps in the picture under his hat? Perhaps a coworker of his fathers? Sachio’s parents have not been explored fully yet, and with the introduction of this possible connection, I’m sure it’s coming up in future episodes! Perhaps they’re the engineers who designed the integrated gear? So many questions!

The episode ended with the two highlights of Nanbu’s desperate plea and Joe’s spectacular entrance. As expected of our devoted Nanbu, he slams his fist into the metal table for Joe’s future. He begs for Shirato to trust Joe as a genuine article, and really displays how much he’s come to care for the guy. And although Shirato shuts him down, I’m sure his words had an effect on her that would come to fruition with Joe’s arrival later on. Don’t worry Nanbu, I’m sure your words weren’t wasted!

Joe’s entrance was amazing. Simple as that. It’s completely in character for him to show up and angrily question Shirato’s integrity, and I was rooting for him the entire time. The look on Mikio’s face was hilarious, and Yuri’s comment about a stray dog not letting go finally came to light. But major props goes to Shirato Yukiko herself for choosing genuine Megalo Boxing and offering Joe the chance to fight Mikio again. She basically openly declares war on Mikio, and he does the same to her. Their brother sister relationship is an absolute blast to watch and I love the fierce competition between the two geniuses!

Overall, this episode has hyped me like crazy for the next episode, and Megalo Box continues to top the charts for the anime I’m watching this season.

Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii Episode 7

The Chibi style for the gameplay is so FREAKING ADORABLE. And I just love how the show had to let the audience know that no, you’re watching the right anime. I’m not sure if it was in the previous episode, but this was the first time I noticed that Nao was edited into the opening (albeit briefly) and it was a nice little surprise. I was wondering if he would be incorporated into the opening and I got my answer.

The fact that Narumi turned out to be an assassin class yet looking like an adorable elf pretty much sums up her personality very well. Considering she often portrays herself as this cute woman but in reality she’s this closet otaku who spends her time drawing up Yaoi porn lol. As opposed to Kabakura who is very straight forward just like the warrior class. An interesting tidbit that Kabakura brings up is how Hanako just suddenly wanted to play an online game with everyone despite her usual indifference towards them. It definitely pops the question of whether Hanako wanted to play because it was with friends or she wanted some sort of similar interests with Kabakura. Especially since Hirotaka and Narumi game a lot together (as seen on Christmas lol). Speaking of Hanako, she shows up as a sorceress in a “paid-only” outfit. Hanako please…

We also get a little more insight on Hirotaka as despite being an avid gamer otaku, he dislikes onlines games because it forces you to interact with others, to which Hirotaka tends to avoid for the most part. Though it’s cute that he’ll always oblige if Narumi asks him. I can’t even imagine how it feels to not have any friends growing up, so I’m glad Hirotaka has this band of misfits to hang out with now. Before Hirotaka can show up, a rare and powerful enemy shows up and I just had to laugh really hard by how Narumi is just completely blinded by the prospect of money and rare drops she’d get if they defeat it.

And usually I can understand why Hanako argues with Kabakura at times, but this was definitely not one of them. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PERSON WHO HAS MORE EXPERIENCE SO YOU ALL DON’T DIE AND DON’T ATTACK YOUR PARTY MEMBERS.  “Hirotaka” shows up in a joke outfit which also shows who he is as a character. Despite his lack of emoting, he is actually quite goofy. Turns out it was Nao at the controls for the time being as Hirotaka was busy recording an anime. I think the main reason why Nao is so bad at games is that no one bothers to actually teach the boy how to do things so he just resorts to button mashing. However, never fear, the real Hirotaka comes in and literally one shots the enemy in the most glorious and anime fashion possible.

The second half of the episode is essentially boy and girl separate bonding time with Kabakura taking out his juniors for dinner and drinks while Narumi and Hanako go have dinner together. Now, what Hanako did is what I wish my friends would do lol (Though I am also guilty of not immediately watching something I am recommended heh…). Narumi suggested an anime to her and she immediately caught up so she could talk about it with her. What a great otaku friend T^T. However, the moment is ruined when they end up shipping opposite things. Oh, how that happens a lot in real life… That honestly happens a lot with one of my friends where we just end up shipping the opposite. It makes sense you’d want to ship similar things with your friends so you can talk about them. However, because of how touchy shipping is, it’s very difficult when you just flat out don’t ship the thing your friend does.

We then move over to guy talk with Hirotaka and Kabakura’s coworkers talking about how cute Narumi is, much to Hirotaka’s initial disdain. Though it was really cute how touched Hirotaka was to be referred to as Narumi’s boyfriend. He wasn’t even mad anymore that his coworkers were talking about her lol. What a cute~ We then get into a discussion with the girls about how they can’t really talk about their ships to their boyfriends for different reasons. Narumi can’t have fun discussing it with Hirotaka. While he is fine with the content, he’s not really into it and doesn’t have a strong preference. Which is actually very nice of him to be able to talk about it despite not having interest, but I can see where the annoyance lies. When discussing ships, you always want to have a passionate talk about them. Kabakura on the other hand outright shuts everything yaoi and BL down (despite ironically liking yuri) and Hanako just resorts to reading it in front of him where he can see. And thus we get a little bit of Kiss Him Not Me into it with Hanako and Narumi shipping their boyfriends together but have different tops and bottoms.

Look at that smexy stare~

I just love how while their coworkers are talking about Hanako’s qualities, Kabakura just kind of snickers in his head saying how she really is. Though he only talks about her negative qualities… Kabakura come on. Though when they start talking about her chest in such an obnoxious fashion, he goes scarily quiet. But before we get more into that (sheesh this episode sure likes to switch back and forth a lot), we come back to Narumi and Hanako’s top and bottom argument. And thankfully, unlike Kae and Nishina from Kiss Him Not Me, while they are passionate, they don’t end up not talking to each other like the adults that they are. Though I do think it’s funny how they both want their man on top, heh. Despite Kabakura’s rather scary, intense look at his coworkers, he handles the situation in a mature way of suggesting they should talk about girls that don’t have boyfriends. Way to defuse the tension, Kabakura. Have a gold star. But I do think the thing to take away that despite how different you are to someone, that doesn’t make it any less possible to be really close friends, which Narumi and Hanako displayed. Despite their difference in preferences of ships, the things that they eat, or how their personalities are, at the end of the day, they’re still really good friends.

Though I think one of the funniest parts of the episode was Nao overhearing Hanako and Narumi at the restaurant and thinks they’re talking praises about their boyfriends. And Nao being the absolute treasure that he is, is super happy and touched by it. Though Hirotaka being the realist, knows his girlfriend well enough that he knew she was probably talking about something different. Hirotaka certainly is a sharp one after all.

This episode felt a little weaker than the others, but probably because I didn’t really like the content in these stories as much as I did the others. But it was still just as enjoyable as ever with the chibis and the absolute absurdity that goes into these stories. Still waiting on this one character to appear. I wonder when that will be…

Dorei-ku the Animation – Episode 10

We’ve seen Ryuuou’s backstory from Julia’s point of view. This episode we get Ryuuou’s backstory from Ryuuou’s point of view. His relationsh...