Thursday, May 31, 2018

Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS Episode 54

I am not going to lie. I thought this episode was a weird one. For most part, I was quite entertained me with seeing Blood Shepherd’s strategy of preventing Yuusaku from him from being able to use his Skill/Link Monsters. It was a clever tactic, bringing about an interesting interaction of trying to make sure he keeps Yuusaku’s LP just above the conditions for Skill Activation. His relentless attacks were also fun to watch, because for the first time in a while (besides a major opponent), we actually saw a rare glimpse of Yuusaku freak outing for a split second. However the second he got a window of opportunity, he made the most of it by dismantling Blood Shepherd’s strategy and throwing him a curveball by whipping out Fusion Summon!

That’s right! Fusion Summon is back baby! They made sequence look real pretty too!
Now I spoke about the possibility of this happening before when Ritual Summon was announced, so while I wasn’t surprised to see it, I was more taken aback by Fusions making their debut on the VRAINS stage sooner than I had anticipated. If you may recall, at the time I mentioned about being a little concerned about how it will be handled. This is of course nothing wrong with having multiple summons methods at the story’s disposal, but l just hope Ritual Summoning won’t get overshadowed…again.
But hey, at least we go ta cool new Dragon, right?

However the biggest problem I had with the episode was the way they brought up and delivered Blood Shepherd’s backstory. They litterally threw everything at us: His name, his face, and his reason for his hatred towards A.I. Now I don’t know about you, but I felt it was not only a bit soon, but also incredibly ludicrous. Frankly speaking, the way it was executed made it feel as though this was a lazy idea, and they didn’t put a lot of thought into it. Kengo and his mother gets in a car accident after an A.I taxi malfunctions (after he jinxs himself by saying it’s safe!) and his mother’s signal cord is damaged and she will never stand again, while he lost the use of his right arm and his eye got messed up a bit too. They didn’t do themselves any favour by rushing through it too.

That’s all I have to say about this week’s episode. The duel itself turned out to be a tad more underwhelming than expected, not that I was expecting anything amazing out of it, but it was still fun to watch. It was nice to see that Data Storm Skill sequence be simplified to be not as nearly as intense as we saw in the first season, which is a nice change to say the least. Speaking of which, I would also like to note both OP and ED features Aoi’s new design, so we’re in luck! Blue Girl is here to stay!

/CRINGE I really can’t get used to that name.

Next week, they are off into the new world, or at least trying to. A major Data Storm whipping up is going to cause some problems. It will be interesting to see whether or not our two pairs will bump into each other, or remain separated. Really I just can’t wait to see everyone bump into each other again. Seeing how star-struck Takeru was with Onizuka, I can’t help but anticipate how he’d respond to meeting Aoi and her new look!

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