Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These – Kaikou Episode 5

Alright, episode 5! A bit on the tamer side but stock full of grand ideas.

It seems like Julian Minci has fit into Yang’s life quite perfectly, taking care of all the housework and making sure Yang isn’t oversleeping and such. The episode reveals that he’s an orphan sent to Yang by Cazerne, and I’m not sure how legal it is to just send orphaned children for your buddies to raise, but it seems to be working out alright for Yang. His design looked extremely childish when they were originally released, but I’m glad to see that he’s voiced well and seems mature. Would’ve broken a brick if his voice as like Asta’s from Black Clover or something.

The speech by Job Trunicht sets the initial footstone for asue that’ll likely be very important in the rest of the adaptation. Yang refuses to respect Trunicht’s encouragement of patriotism and war because politicians like Trunicht are sending men to die, yet refusing to do the same. To Yang, it’s hypocrisy. It’s as outrageous to Jessica as well, who speaks out against the assembly. Super ballsy of her to criticize the “patriotic” chairman in the midst of a memorial service, but Jean died at Astarte, she must be extremely angry. 

The atmosphere of the assembly itself was quite scary, with the majority of the crowd mindlessly supporting Trunicht’s speech. The only dissenter is Yang himself, and he gets scolded by a nearby soldier. This connects to the Patriotic Knights, who act as a politically extreme group of activists that use violence against non patriotic citizens. I definitely didn’t expect a huge truck to come rushing at them on the highway, and it baffled me how such a truck could get away with that. Their “assault” on Yang’s home later was also quite chilling because it seems like something that could happen today. However, I don’t think tossing a hand grenade into someone’s home is the go to method of choice.

The use of the sprinklers to scare the Patriotic Knights away was amusing, but I was wondering why people armed with hand grenades would back away after being exposed to water. The head honcho got his helmet knocked off, and his identity was revealed, but he could’ve sent his henchmen in at the very least.

But the big surprise of the episode comes from the end during Yang’s conversation with Sydney Sithole. He’s being given the 13th fleet! Even if it’s just half the strength of a traditional fleet, it’s fair because they have Yang Wenli commanding them. I’m looking forward to the introduction of Isserlohn Fortress with great excitement as well! The episode showed a single shot of the famed stronghold, but we’ll likely get a boatload of action revolving all around it in the next. However, Yang should be wary of Sithole’s political ambitions, along with the possible actions of the Patriotic Knights.

This is perhaps Legend of the Galactic Heroes at its core, looming space battles on the horizon, powered from underneath by political maneuvers, and we get to see it all through the perspective of the little guy. Very excited for the coming episodes!

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