Thursday, December 21, 2017

Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS Episode 32

This episode came out pretty late today, so I will also put a quick disclaimer: It was a long day for me, and I’m pretty tired, so I bare with me if you feel like I’m nitpicking something more than I should.

Alright team you have one job: SURVIVE!

Honestly, I don’t even know where to begin. It was one of those episodes when the whole thing is more or less one hot mess. The animation quality was wonky, the pace felt off and I felt they spent unnecessary screen-time of characters we could care less about – AKA: the self-proclaimed reporters, the Pigeon and the Frog. (I still don’t understand why or HOW these two did not get absorbed already!) It also didn’t help with the way the trio meets The whole scene was so awkward and in a way felt forced. Playmaker, Onizuka and Blue Angel have never truly worked together as a team. Playmaker and Onizuka collaborated together in search for the one who carried the program to remove the virus, and that was it. We are in a situation we aren’t quite used to considering all the previous protagonists in the other series had a friend or two to work with. This time, we have these odd-balls who know almost nothing about each other (with the exception of Yuusaku who is the only one to know their true identities). And yet they are off on their own once again to fight their own battles. You could say each and every one have an ego of their own that drives their lone wolf streak. (However Onizuka is certainly more of the type who is willing to join or create a pact rather than fight on his own though.)

What surprised me the most though was the sudden emergence of Spectre, who appears to be Revolver’s right-hand man. Spectre appears when Kitamura tries to save his own skin by attempting to betray SOL Technologies and join the Hanoi Knights. Revolver knows the guy is a joke so he has Spectre deal with him. Thankfully we were spared of having to watch Kitamura’s duel against the guy, because I have little to not interest in him either. (It also helps he has been removed for the time being as he was absorbed too). Instead we will be seeing Spectre VS Blue Angel, a duel that was bound to happen.

Up until now, Spectre has been… mysterious…. but also hinted to be a creep (especially in regards to Blue Angel). Whenever we saw him, he was a man of a few words, or none at all, or his appearance would be extremely brief. Now in action, Spectre is showing his true colors and just how twisted this guy is (aka: Psycho). When you compare him to the likes of Faust and Baira, both who showed us their humane side, it is quite alarming how little regard he has for others. But the strangest part is how he claims he is a fan of Blue Angel, yet he said she was a “lowly idol” in comparison to Revolver who he holds in high regards. Hearing that, made me confused and wonder if he is actually an “ANTI” Blue Angel Fan.

As result we are now in for a rather unexpected Master Duel between Spectre and Blue Angel. It appears they will be using this duel to provide us more backstory in regards to Aoi’s past and what inspired her to go with the name she carries now. I do look forward to this considering we haven’t had the chance to learn more about her past through her own character. Everything we have seen up till now has been through another character’s backstory (Akira’s). However at the same time, I am anxious of what the outcome of the battle will be. I am torn between who I want to one: On one hand, I would hate it if Blue Angel falls here and pays the price for the loss, likewise for Onizuka. But on the other hand, I really want a threatening villain, so in order for that to happen, they have to make him powerful enough to not only be responsible for defeating Blue Angel, but also Onizuka, and then challenging Playmaker before he has the chance to fight Revolver.

But at the same time, I am hoping we will actually get to see the Hanoi Knight’s plans play out and they do destroy the world’s network, or at least damage it in some way or form. Or perhaps Ai will do something that will change the kind of impact it was originally planned to have (one I can see very likely to happen in order to ensure the group’s or at least Playmaker’s survival). There is a variety of options they could roll with, and it doesn’t matter which one they go with so as long as we can see what could happen if Playmaker were to fail. It’s so, soSO LONG OVERDUE and the stakes could not be higher.

Last week the tower reminded me of Tartarus, but I was wayyyy off the mark. Until this week, I didn’t know about the concept of the Tower of Hanoi. Once it was mentioned in the episode about the legend, I looked it up to see if I was missing something. Sure enough I was. The more you know, am I right?

So here is how Revolver and Dr. Kogami intend to use it:

  • The underground Erasing System: The shape will create 6 rings, and create 1 ring/hour.

  • The Core will release high density to external networks and it will effect everything beyond VRAINS
    • Records, Programs connected to the network will vanish, power-plants, hospitals will also be effected. The result will be catastrophic world wild, forcefully dragging Humanity will return to the age of no technology.

    • Basically it’s an EMP Weapon, and Ai will be erased.

    • Ultimate Goal: Destruction of the Worlds Network (they weren’t kidding, they are flipping ambitious!)

Since the Hanoi Knights have completely taken over Link VRAINS, SOL Technology have issued a statement they enacted an Emergency Shutdown of VRAINS to prevent users from logging in. However despite their claim, users can still log in. It’s hard to say whether or not SOL Technologies really did try to shut it down, but simply cannot because Link VRAINS has been hijacked. On one hand, they waited way too long and should have done this like at least ten episodes sooner, or they want to leave it open. But while SOL Technology is a shady little shit, right now all eyes are on the Hanoi Knights, and its more than likely Revolver deliberately made it so (stupid) users can still log in and not only contribute to their grand scheme by being sacrificed, but also to enable Playmaker to come after him.

With that it’s a wrap! I hope everyone has a safe and lovely holiday this weekend!

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